Sunday, September 1, 2019
Person centred approaches in adult social care settings Essay
Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your knowledge of person-centred care. You will explore what is meant by the term ‘consent’, define person-centred values, and consider how active participation can be used to best effect. You will consider how risk assessments can support informed choices and examine the factors that contribute to the well being of individuals using the service. see more:why person centred values are important and how they influence social care work Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment. A Information leaflet B Short answer questions C Case studies Task B Short answer questions Bi- Describe two ways of finding out about the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual using the service. If the resident is unable to talk about themselves and what they want then a good way of finding out is to talk to family and friends. They will have important information about the resident that may help you communicate with that person. If the service user can speak for themselves then the staff can sit down and talk to find out more about their needs, preferences and their history. Bii- Describe two ways of making sure that the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual using the service are recognised in support or care plans. The service user could write down their wishes and needs, if they are able to read and write. With the help of the staff the service user could add extras like favourite music, colour, type of outfit, favourite food, activity and so on. Biii- Explain how a care plan helps social care workers to work in a person centred way. Whoever carry’s out the service users care plan should have complete understanding of the plan themselves. The care plan is the most important thing to have knowledge about as this is the most valuable piece of information with the service users needs, wishes and preferences. Biv- Define what is meant by the term â€Å"active participation†. 1. Promoting there independence 2. Enjoy day to day life without any struggle 3. To help the service user with whatever they ask as you are the only help they may have. Bv- Give two examples of active participation, explaining how the individual using the service may benefit from being fully involved. Getting them to plan a day out themselves, this will help a service feel more independent and happy. To help them promote there independence this will help the service user get to know what is happening where they live and get more social. Bvi- Using the table below, describe three examples of barriers to active participation and how each can be overcome. Barrier How it can be overcome Lack of understanding Speak loud and clear Hearing aid Interpreter Lack of teamwork Staff to report of concerns Social workers, docs, nurses or/and staff to discuss any issues with the service user Meetings to be made to keep up to date with service user Feeling excluded Service user to help create care plan Conversations with the service user about anything Service user to attend the staff meetings to be more involved Bvii- Describe two ways of encouraging active participation. Collecting leaflets and showing them to the service user to try and get them involved in activities in the community. Take the service user to volunteer in a shop or event. Bviii- Explain how the identity of an individual using the service is linked to their well being. Moving into a care home is a big thing and a service user could be very alone and afraid of what it may be like so staff should always make any service user feel loved and unforgotten to protect them from losing there identity. Bix- Explain how the self esteem of an individual using the service is linked to their well being. Every service user should be treated for respect and confidence, if you do this then that persons self esteem will be very good and this will help the person feel welcome and able to speak to any of the staff about any problems, fears, wishes and preferences. Bx Describe two attitudes or approaches which could promote the well being of an individual using the service. Service users should all be given the right to choose what they want and how they want it. Just like you or I would like a hot cop of tea with 2 sugars, you wouldn’t forget your own sugar so you shouldn’t forget theirs. Staff should be up to date with their training so they can see and learn the service users wishes and preferences. Bx Describe two attitudes or approaches which could promote the well being of an individual using the service. Staff need to understand the service users way of life. Whether that is its religion, choice of food, type of clothing. To understand all this it is vital that the staff read the service users care plan. Bxi Identify two ways of making sure an individual’s physical environment promotes their well being. When it is time for a meal the staff should know how that service user would like there meal. Some could be a vegan or a vegetarian. Some may just not like a kind of meat, veg, or fruit. Involving the service user in making the meal is also a great way in promoting the service users well being as this will make them feel involved in something and know what they are putting in there mouths. Bxii Identify two ways of working that promote an individual’s social and emotional well being. All staff should understand the users support plan. This is so the staff can understand what the user needs. Example- What kind of communication or if they need assistance with eating. Task C Case study one Marcus Thompson is 18 and has learning disabilities. He is moving from children’s social care to adult social care and has to decide whether he wants to remain at home with his family or move to supported housing. You are his support worker and think he would be better off living away from his family who sometimes try to do too much for him. Ci Identify ways of helping Marcus to make an informed choice. You could propose to Marcus if he would like to visit the support housing to see if it is the kind of thing he would prefer. He could stay a night or just spend the day. You could also bring Marcus to speak to some of the other service users and ask questions about the support housing. Cii Explain why it is important that you do not let your own view influence Marcus’ final decision. It is important because it is not he going into support housing it is someone else. Marcus could maybe love being looked after by his family and want to be around them. But he may want a bit more independence. This is why it is important to make sure Marcus knows that it is completely up to him, its his decision. Case study two Mr Mistry has recently been discharged from hospital after a serious fall. He wants to continue living at home, but there is some pressure on him from his family to move to live with them, or to move to a supported environment. They believe they have the support of the medical profession in this. Ciii Explain how a thorough risk assessment might help Mr Mistry make up his mind about what he wants. If a thorough risk assessment is carried out and explained deeply to Mr Mistry, then he may then realise that he does need more help than he thinks and may consider help. Some people don’t like to admit they need extra help, which is why it is important the whole situation is explained so the user knows what could happen. Civ Explain why Mr Mistry may choose to take a risk and live alone in his home. Mr Mistry may choose to live at home because he likes his independence and making his own decisions. He has probably lived their his whole life, moving away to get looked after by your family or care staff may be sound scary to some who has done everything themselves. Cv Describe ways of helping Mr Mistry question or challenge decisions made by his family or other professionals with which he does not agree. Staff should set up a meeting for professionals, family and of course Mr Mistry to attend and discuss what he wants. Mr Mistry can still make his own decisions.
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