Monday, September 30, 2019
Liberalism and Nationalism
In the late 18th and 19th centuries there where two ideologies that was fueling the revolutions during this time. These two ideologies are liberalism and nationalism. Liberalism is a belief in gradual social progress by changing laws, rather than by revolution. It is also sated to be the belief that people should have a lot of political and individual freedom. Nationalism is the desire for political independence of people who feel they are historically or culturally a separate group within a country.It is often associated with the belief that a particular nation is better than any other nation, and in this case is often used showing disapproval. Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment. In the 19th century liberal governments was established in many nations across Europe, Latin America, and North America. Liberal power increased further in the 20th century, when liberal democracies â€Å"triumphed†in two world wars and survived major ideological ch allenges from fascism and communism.The term nationalism was coined by Johann Gottfried Herder (nationalismus) during the late 1770s. Where Nationalism emerged from is difficult to determine, but its development is closely related to that of the modern state and the push for popular sovereignty that came to a head with the French Revolution and the American Revolution in the late 18th century. Since that time, nationalism has become one of the most significant political and social forces in history. Other forms of nationalism are revolutionary, calling for the establishment of an independent state as a homeland for an ethnic underclass.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How does Thomas Hardy delelop suspense Essay
Suspense is the creation of excitement at the approach of the climax, whether of the whole novel, or just a particular chapter or scene. Tension is the feeling of uneasiness or stress caused by suspense, not knowing what will transpire next. It is clear that the two are very closely interrelated, and when they are employed in a text they have significant effects on the reader. Suspense and tension keep the reader guessing about what will ensue, therefore drawing the reader into the story and, crucially, maintaining their interest so that they want to read on. Thomas Hardy uses not only his own writing techniques and description to create suspense and tension in his novels, but also the behaviour and development of his characters. At the beginning, we are presented with the four characters of Rhoda Brook, her son, Farmer Lodge and Gertrude. We are unsure how their relationships will develop. This uncertainty creates tension, and right from the start, the reader’s interest is evoked. When Hardy wrote The Withered Arm in the late 1800’s, a belief in magic was common among all people of the time. This is embodied in the story by the characters Rhoda Brook and Conjuror Trendle, who are described as being a witch and a white wizard respectively. The inclusion of a magical and supernatural theme in the story is a good way of interesting the reader and creating tension, because as witchcraft and magic are subjects most people in a modern audience know little about, they add to the reader’s unawareness and curiosity about events in the story. Suspense and tension are created in chapter two, when Gertrude arrives with farmer Lodge. We learn that Rhoda has an illegitimate son with farmer Lodge, and therefore understand her jealous interest in his new bride. She tells her son to â€Å"give her a look, and tell me what she’s like†¦ If she’s dark or fair, and if she’s tall – as tall as I†. When her son returns from his reconnaissance Rhoda interrogates him – it is clear she is desperate for every detail. The boy couldn’t see how tall she was, because she was sitting down, and Rhoda tells him to watch her at the church the next day; â€Å"Go early and notice her walking in, and come home and tell me if she’s taller than I†. When he comes back with the information – ‘†She is not tall. She is rather short. †– It is clear that Rhoda is delighted: â€Å"Ah! †said his mother with satisfaction’. This scene creates tension and suspense because the reader is wondering how Rhoda Brook’s obsession with Gertrude will manifest itself later on in the story? The reader is left guessing until the onset of Chapter three, where the consequence of Rhoda’s constant psychological fixation on Gertrude is revealed. It is mentioned at the end of chapter two that â€Å"from her boy’s description and the casual words of the other milkers, Rhoda Brook could raise a mental image of the unconscious Mrs Lodge that was realistic as a photograph. †In chapter three Rhoda has a vision while she sleeps. Gertrude appears as a spirit, looking old and wrinkled, seats herself heavily on Rhoda’s chest and thrusts her wedding ring into Rhoda’s face. Rhoda struggled and then â€Å"In a last desperate effort, swung out her right hand, seized the confronting spectre by its obtrusive left arm, and whirled it backward to the floor. †The dream is extremely real and frightening for Rhoda, and it changes the story completely for the reader. Whereas before it was a story about rural life, now it’s an altogether darker tale that incorporates magic and superstition. The change of atmosphere adds tension, as do Rhoda’s violent actions. The reader is in suspense, as there are a lot of unanswered questions; what will happen now? Where will the story go from this crucial event? What will happen to Gertrude? The latter question is answered later in the chapter, when Gertrude turns up at Rhoda’s door unexpectedly, with a gift for her son. Gertrude reveals that a strange ailment has afflicted her arm and when she reveals it and is questioned about it, it becomes clear to Rhoda that it was made at the same time as she had her vision and Rhoda’s handprint can be seen upon it. When Gertrude becomes a regular visitor to the cottage, the reader’s intrigue is increased again, as once again they do not know what will happen next – the suspense remains as there are important questions; will Gertrude cure her arm? When, in the last paragraph of chapter three, Rhoda mentions that she has been â€Å"slyly called a witch†since she had farmer Lodges child, suspense is increased because both the reader and Rhoda are unsure whether she is a witch or not. Another example of the creation of suspense and tension can be found in chapter four when Gertrude and Rhoda visit conjuror Trendle. Gertrude hopes that the White Wizard will cure her withering arm, whilst Rhoda fears that she will be revealed as the witch who performed the curse. When they arrive at the house, Conjuror Trendle sends Rhoda out of the room; this has the effect of unnerving Rhoda and simultaneously adding to the reader’s intrigue. He then reveals a face to Gertrude in the egg white, but neither the reader nor Rhoda are told who Gertrude sees – â€Å"[Gertrude] murmured a reply in tones so low as to be inaudible to Rhoda†. On the way home the conversation is stilted, and it becomes clear from her responses and manner that she has discovered Rhoda’s secret; â€Å"Was it you who first proposed coming here? †â€Å"How very odd, if you did! †Hardy creates suspense and tension in this scene by allowing the reader to form their own opinion as to what Gertrude saw. This scene is very tense, because Rhoda is left, literally, in suspense as she waits to find out if she has been revealed. The suspense is drawn out right up until the journey home, as Gertrude says nothing when she comes out of Trendle’s house – â€Å"What did you see? †â€Å"Nothing I – care to speak of. †In the last sentence of chapter four it is bluntly told that Rhoda left the village. â€Å"†¦ her face grew sadder and thinner; and in the spring she and her boy disappeared from the neighbourhood of Holmstoke†. This one-line dismissal of a major character completely changes the story. By this point in the story, the reader’s suspense is beginning to wane as they would have formed possible outcomes and plot developments to do with Rhoda and her son, and about her becoming a witch, but by having them leave unexpectedly, the reader is forced to create fresh predictions, thus renewing the suspense and tension. The shortness of the exit, and the lack of Hardy’s trademark description, adds to the reader’s shock, because they were not built up to or prepared for Rhoda’s leaving; it is a surprise. As the condition of Gertrude’s afflicted arm deteriorates, so too does her marriage. For Farmer Lodge, the withered arm is an anaphrodisiac and he becomes â€Å"gloomy and silent†. Gertrude grows increasingly lonely and forlorn, and this impels her to seek out remedies of all types in the hope of regaining some of her beauty, and winning back her husbands love – â€Å"If I could only again be as I was when he first saw me! †Complying with her husbands wishes, she destroys her medicines, but her yearning for a cure does not diminish. She wishes to try another type of cure entirely, and so she travels to Conjuror Trendle once again. As Gertrude’s initial natural wish to cure her arm becomes darker and obsessive, suspense and tension are created once again. Similarly to the curse itself, this appearance of a darker theme in the story creates tension. The reader can also tell that the obsession is heading to a climax, but as the outcome is not known, the reader is left in suspense. The obsession progresses after chapter 7, when Gertrude meets with Conjuror Trendle and he informs her of a possible cure: to rub her afflicted arm on the neck of freshly-hanged person. It is here that the story grows even darker, once again prompting questions from the reader: Will she go through with the cure? Gertrude is hesitant about it, and the task seems so revolting that it is not clear whether her need for a cure is strong enough to overcome her fears – â€Å"Of all the remedies that the white wizard could have suggested there was not one which would have filled her with as much aversion as this†. This doubt creates tension, because the reader is again left in suspense, and the closer to the climax we get, the tenser it becomes, especially as Gertrude’s desire to complete her task increases. She â€Å"longed for the death of a fellow creature†and at night â€Å"her unconscious prayer was ‘O Lord, hang some guilty or innocent person soon! ‘†. This huge change of character, from sweet and gentle, to sinister and morbid, praying for death, shows just how obsessed with curing her arm Gertrude is, and this gradual development of her character also helps to create suspense because the reader wants to see if her character finds a hanging soon, or she goes mad, or changes her behaviour again. This uncertainty creates more suspense and tension because the reader is not sure what will happen, we can not easily predict the outcome. Eventually, Gertrude hears of the hanging of a young boy taking place in a nearby village and, with her husband away on business, she sets off on a cart horse. When she reaches the village she proceeds to locate the Hangman, and explains to him about her arm. He agrees to help her to sneak in after the hanging. When she is waiting below the gallows, Hardy excellently describes the feelings of Gertrude and this increases the tension. He shows just how terrified she is – â€Å"she could scarcely discern anything; it was as though she had nearly died†, and this emotion and fear acts as a build-up to the climax; we are held in suspense until the end, just after Gertrude’s arm is finally cured, she hears Rhoda’s Brook shriek from behind her – Rhoda is standing there with Farmer Lodge at her side. The deceased boy is their son. The double shock of the restoration of her arm and the revelation of Farmer Lodge and Rhoda is too much for Gertrude, and she collapses, and dies before she gets home. The long and intricate description that Hardy uses throughout the book is key to the creation of suspense and tension within the story. He often describes the setting in great detail which, as well as increasing the reader’s interest and giving them a clear mental image, creates an atmosphere and gives the scene a palpable sense of tension. To take an example from chapter five; â€Å"thick clouds made the atmosphere dark, though it was as yet only early afternoon, and the wind howled dismally over the slopes of the heath†. The dense description sets the scene perfectly and by taking the reader into the setting he ensures that events within the story have more effect on them. Because the description of the characters feelings is so good we relate to them better, and consequently we feel the tension and suspense more. I have shown that Hardy develops the suspense and tension in a variety of ways in The Withered Arm. He is able to maintain the reader’s interest through the developing plot, the themes and language techniques employed in the story – the magic and superstition underpinning the story, compelling the reader to read on, the extensive description that creates tension and a sense of place, as well as the emotions of the characters as they develop; all these things stimulate the reader’s interest. The whole story builds to a climax; at the start Rhoda finds out about Farmer Lodge’s marriage to Gertrude, then as the characters develop, many things change, and by the end Gertrude is alone and Rhoda and Farmer Lodge are there together, at the climax. The suspense is held right until the end. I believe that the section where Rhoda leaves creates the most tension and increases the suspense. In this example, ironically, it is the lack of Hardy’s description that affects the reader – it is uncharacteristic and therefore amplifies the sense of change. It changes the story dramatically, because the reader believes Rhoda to be the main character; the one that we are relating to, and suddenly she is gone, leaving us with little relationship in the story again. We then follow Gertrude until the climax whereupon we are reintroduced to Rhoda. Hardy’s way of making us see the plot from both sides is a great way to increase tension, especially when Rhoda disappeared and we did not know what she was doing or feeling.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Law and Ethics for Future and Fiction
For Skye to successfully take action against Charlene for her alleged negligence action, she is required to provide the necessary evidence illustrating duty of care that her instructor owes her. (Mathiason, 2013, 880). Below is a discussion of the issues, correspondent laws, appliances, and wind up statements regarding Skye’s action against Charlene. Negligence, according to Robertson (2013, 31) refers to a presumption whereby a party is considered responsible for occurrence of accidents or injuries which may be averted. An individual is bound to be responsible for negligence action, especially if the defendant consciously refuses to take precautions care, so as to avoid injury and damage caused to people under their care and supervision. Negligence claims requires provision of substantial evidence brought forth by the plaintiff legally proving that the defendant undoubtedly needs to perform the duty of care (Murgatroyd et al 2016, 1). The four major steps essential in providing substantial evidence of perpetrated negligence includes the following: Obligation of care is a stated duty under law where individuals are expected to perform and conduct themselves in a way that causes no damage to individuals under their care (Pagura, 2015, 254). Naturally, the duty of care will be believed as to be carried out by family, relatives or people close to someone. According to the law of negligence, the duty of care is to be performed by any individual with a social responsibility of ensuring other people's safety, whether close or not. Charlene, being Skye's yoga instructor, acts responsibly in going an extra mile to provide her students with rubber soled socks to prevent them from unnecessary falling and injuries. She is keen to note that the floor of the hall she hired to hold yoga classes is slippery and cannot sustain the yoga moves. Most importantly, Charlene is able to note that larger student groups are not east to supervise without injury cases. Prior to this issue being noted, Charlene makes a risky choice of inviting her students for a free Thursday lesson to pensate for the lost time. As it is expected, the students turn up was greater than usual. The 45 students are contained in the same hall which was initially concluded to have limited space that can fortably a modate a maximum of 25 yoga students. Charlene should have thought of the dangers she has been exposing her students to by placing the tea urn in the same room of yoga participation. Since yoga is known to involve vigorous movements, the tea urn should have been kept in a separate place to avoid accidents of burning or tipping over the urn or table. Most importantly, on that day when the student turn up was larger than normal, Charlene would have been wise as to divide the class into half so that she could deal with the first group then the next in turns without having to pete for space. It will be right to subject the instructor to owe a duty of care to Skye because the tea urn would not have originally been placed near the practice area. Breaching of duty can be related to circumstances whereby a defendant fails to do something responsibly pared to a normal individual’s behavioral response if put in a parable condition (Iacobucci, &Trebilcock, 2016, 175). Standard of care on the other hand is the degree of caution taken to prevent a person under a duty of care from harm's way (Barravecchio, 2013, 5). Charlene is responsible enough to purchase rubber soled socks to prevent her students from falling and hurting themselves. She is also concerned with the space of the hall and therefore opts to admit a lesser number of students so she can provide equal attention to all. On the particular day when the student turn up was 45, 20 more than usual, the yoga instructor failed to meet the required standard of care. She a modates all the students in the same hall well aware of the dangers inherent in her choice. The limit of space in the hall is what causes Skye to look for an alternative position at the back where she has limited space for movement. It is obvious that the instructor’s attention was majorly focused more on the students at the front than those at the back. This way she could not easily notice that one of her students was not wearing her socks. Voluntary risk assumption illustrates the protective action, taken by a defendant so as to prove the voluntary involvement of a plaintiff knowingly assuming likely risks as a result of  their action (Bant& Bryan, 2015, 427). Risk assumption by the plaintiff if proven by the defendant will reduce the right of pensation for damages and injury caused. Generally, the assumption of risk explains that a plaintiff very well aware of the dangers they are exposing themselves to goes ahead to indulge in the risky action (Goudkamp, &Klar, 2016,849). In the particular incident where Skye decides not to wear the provided dancing socks with the thought that the socks did not match her hot pink outfit, she knowingly chooses to go against her teacher’s instructions. Moreover, Skye makes a grave mistake of attending the yoga classes under alcohol influence. She must have known that alcohol will most likely affect her normal judgment but she blindly assumes the dangers she was exposing herself to. Additionally, Skye arrives late for her dancing lessons and cannot occupy her original space. She is left with no choice but to find a different space which is much less than her normal space. I would argue that it is Skye’s fault that she could not occupy her normal space in the hall due to her lateness. If she knew she was going to attend yoga classes, she should have prepared early for class and avoid attending the after party. In addition to her lateness, she ignores the risk of indulging in the yoga class under alcohol influence. Despite the fact that Charlene had not fully explained the need of wearing the socks throughout the dancing lesson, it was a mandatory requirement for all students to wear the socks. If only Skye would have considered all the stated facts, she would have prevented the risk of getting burnt at the yoga class. In the law of negligence, before a plaintiff decides to seek legal action for implied negligence, there should be available proof that their damages are resultant from the defendant’s negligent actions (Turton, G 2015, 80). It is also vital to reflect on the actual circumstance that led to the injury. Was it anticipated by the defendant or it unexpectedly happened (Law, 2014). Before Skye proceeds to take action against Charlene, she must avail proof stating that her burn resulted from the accused’s negligent action. Skye's skin is seriously scolded when her foot tips the table on which a tea urn and steamer are on. This causes the appliances to topple over her body resulting in the severe burns. Partially, it is Charlene’s fault that Skye gets involved in the accident. She should have looked for an alternative area to place the urn and steamer, considering the limit of space in the hall. It is also Skye’s fault that she skid for ignoring to wear the provided rubber-soled socks. Additionally, Skye who had consumed three glasses of wine might have had affected vision as a side effect of drinking wine. It is only right for both Charlene and Skye to be held responsible for their actions. Hosting of a large number of students overshadows Charlene's capability to efficiently supervise the students. Moreover, Charlene knowingly accepted to host all the 45 students well aware of the great difficulty of management she subjects herself to. If only the students would have been the normal number, the instructor would have been able to notice that Skye was not wearing the socks as instructed. This observation would have helped Charlene to take necessary action on her defiant student. On the other hand, if only Skye was obedient enough to put on the socks and not to put priority in her fashion sense, she would have refrained from skidding into the table. If also she avoided drinking wine before her classes, she would have been more alert. It is most likely that the wine caused her to have impaired judgment and bodily imbalance causing her to unwillinglyskid into the table. Bant, E., & Bryan, M. (2015). Fact, Future and Fiction: Risk and Reasonable Reliance in Estoppel. Oxford Journal Of Legal Studies, 35(3), 427-452. Robertson, A 2013, 'On the Function of the Law of Negligence', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 31-57. Barravecchio, JA 2013, 'The Tort Of Negligence', Legaldate, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 4-7. Bohlen, FH 1906, 'Voluntary Assumption of Risk', Harvard Law Review, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 14-34. Goudkamp, J, &Klar, L 2016, 'Apportionment Of Damages For Contributory Negligence: The Causal Potency Criterion', Alberta Law Review, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 849-862. Iacobucci, EM, &Trebilcock, MJ 2016, 'An Economic Analysis Of Waiver Of Tort In Negligence Actions', University of Toronto Law Journal, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 173-196 Law, T. (2014). Case Note: O'Mara v Air Canada 2013 ONSC 2931. Travel Law Quarterly, 6(2), 127-131. Mathiason, T 2013, 'Are You Part Of The Global Workforce?: An Examination Of The "Duty Of Care" To Business Travelers And International Assignees Under The Ilo Occupational Health And Safety Conventions And As Emerging International Customary Law', American University International Law Review, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 873-904. Murgatroyd, D. F., Harris, I. A., Yvonne, T., Cameron, I. D., & Tran, Y. (2016). The association between seeking financial pensation and injury recovery following motor vehicle related orthopaedic trauma. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 171-14. Pagura, I 2015, 'Negligence: What you need to know', Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 254-256. Turton, G 2015, 'Risk and the damage requirement in negligence liability', Legal Studies, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 75-95
Friday, September 27, 2019
Global Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Outsourcing - Essay Example Despite the recent economic downturn, according to a McKinsey Analysis, the U. S. economy created an average of 3.5 million new jobs in the private sector per year (Otterman). Nine million people come on to the job market every year (Gardels, 2004). Outsourcing helps to stimulate the economy. The loss of jobs can be attributed to other factors like the bursting of the tech bubble and its effects on Wall Street, the consolidation of retailing under giants like Wal-Mart, and the after math of September 11 and other events. The Bush administration is convinced that shifting the white collar jobs to the developing countries might cause short term pain but is a part of the positive transformation that will enrich the US economy over time. The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) also agrees that while outsourcing white collar jobs may have thrown some Americans out of jobs, it will ultimately lower the inflation, create jobs, and boost productivity. Just when layoffs and ‘pay-for-performance’ was taking place, educated and eager workforce emerged in countries like India, China, Malaysia and Vietnam. Outsourcing assists with a form’s globalization strategy, helps broaden infrastructure capabilities, and offers local market access advantages it can help alleviate the technical labor shortages in the West.Other benefits include access to skilled personnel across the world, exploitation of follow-the-sun model to improve delivery schedules, and make up for the gaps in the internal capabilities of the firms
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Discussion Board 2 EDU 626 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion Board 2 EDU 626 - Essay Example All the materials and physical objects that an instructor might use to deliver the information to the students or participants are called instructional media. Formally, it can be defined as "the physical means via which instruction is presented to the learners" (Reiser and Dempsey, 2007- pg 18). For instance usage of a text book, computer or even the in-class physical demonstration of an instructor can be labeled as an instructional medium. In any Instruction System Design (ISD), instructional media is used to make the audience understand the delivered material. It may be used to get the participant’s attention, to invoke the imagination of the students, to or to explain the explicit/implicit instructional goals. A research-based theory or a model is termed as Instruction System Design or Development (ISD). Such a model is designed after repeated experiments with different set of conditions (Merrill & Boutwell, 1973). It is important to note that each model is entirely dependa nt on its designer’s perceptions and ones understanding of the requirements for the instructional process. Once it is decided that an instructional medium is helpful in the process, there are number of factors to be considered before selecting a particular medium. Selection should be made after careful analysis of cost, availability, and the practical implementation of the entire course syllabus.
Personal Development Plan that Would Help in Studies Scholarship Essay
Personal Development Plan that Would Help in Studies - Scholarship Essay Example There are only 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week, and like most students, I want to do many things like enjoying my life whilst I learn and do well in my studies. If I do not manage time very well, I will not achieve both, and I put my long-term goals and objectives in danger. The starting point of time management is having clear goals in life. I would like to begin my personal strategic analysis by defining my personal mission and vision statements and the core values that guide me in life. I define my Mission as the basic purpose of why I think I exist. I define my Vision as my aspiration in life, what I want to achieve in the future. I define my Core Values as the standards of personal and professional behaviour that will guide me in realising my mission and attaining my vision (Cottrell 12). I believe that without a clear direction of where I want to go, why I want to go there, and the basic rules that will guide me in this journey of my life, it will be difficult for me to reach my destination, much less know how I will get there (Maxwell 168). I always try to find a reason for everything I do, and in this story of my life, I feel that I have a specific mission that it is my purpose, my destiny that is mine alone to fulfil. If this is my purpose, how and what do I see myself doing in the future What is my vision My vision is to be one of the best professionals in the world in whatever it is I decide to do. I have many interests, and I think it would be too early to be too specific. At this stage, I aim to be good in what I do, and for this, I need to learn how to manage my time well. The first step is to have a clear set of priorities so that when there is a conflict between two or more activities, I would do whichever is more important according to the priorities that I have.Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
War and the media (focusing on the First Gulf War) Essay
War and the media (focusing on the First Gulf War) - Essay Example It is believed that although the main cause of the war was a very ancient conflict of Persians and Arabs. At that time and moment there was a great social and revolutionary change that was occurring in Iran. There was a whole lot of establishment of religious leadership. The reforms that were occurring in Iran were of quite a serious nature. The reforms were both social and political. Saddam Hussein judged the fact that this conflict would put Iran in a weaker position and hence make it easier for the Iraqi soldiers to get hold of the situation and thus invade Iran. The master mind behind this war was Saddam Hussein who believed, that if they attacked the Iranian at this point and time of conflict and turmoil, they will not be able to counter attack and hence face quite a lot of issues with their own security. He considered as the best time for the Iraqis to take over and establish their own supremacy over the whole area. They believed this as the most opportune moment. There was als o a fear of loss of power that had driven Saddam Hussein to consider the attacks. He believed that the Shiite uprising in Iran can ultimately affect the people living in Iraq too. Iraq has a dominant Shiite population and hence he feared that the Shiite Iraqis might feel motivated and rise against the Sunni establishment. It was this fear and the will to become the leader in the region that Saddam Hussein leapt into war. The reason that Saddam Hussein also felt fearless and jumped into war was that they had the support of Americans as well. Iran was undergoing a complete religious transformation and they had always considered Americans as the great Satan. They had declared openly their anti US feelings. This was what fueled the US and they sided with Iraq in this war to terrorize Iran and take control of it. Also, after the First World War , there was a demarcation that was made between the countries. The continued border disputes within both the countries also fueled the incident. If we consider the role of media, media has always been in the hands of those who are in power. In this case it was America who was quite at much stake. They had freshly lost a battle in Vietnam, which despite being a prolonged war turned out to be a gift of deaths alone for the Americans. It was highly important for them that they get a good name and reputation for themselves. Therefore, in this case they favored the Iraqi. The Iranians were very openly against the Americans and therefore, to be able to have their own say and hold in the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf they sided with Iraqis. Iraqis had the worst fear in the form of their own Shiite population who might rise up against them as they attacked the Iranians, whose majority population was Shiite. This was what made the war more of name saving game for the Americans. They very publicly showed their support for the Iraqis and provided them with help and guidance so as to be able to overcome Iran. The first two years of t he war proved to be difficult for Iran as they had a very weak army , and which had been further weakened by the constant uprising that was occurring in their state. They could do little to protect themselves, with the continuous infiltrations of the Mullahs in the army. Once they had been able to regain a bit of their control over the army their attack had turn to offensive instead of a defensive one. America just to prove that they were
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Getting from college to career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Getting from college to career - Essay Example tting from college to career†, there are a number of things that an individual can do in order to ensure that success in one’s career is started from an early time (Lindsey, 97). In this essay, I am going to discuss four of the many steps that are in the book, which I have tried and in my experience go way forward towards ensuring that my future is well secure. An application letter or curriculum vitae contains all the information about an individual, from the name, address, personal and academic achievements and also other attachments. It is written to where one is seeking for an employment chances, and is considered vital towards employment. I have written several application letters to different organizations. I got the reply from some, while in others I did not. Upon realizing my mistakes, I redrafted my application letters and applied again, this time with impressive results. Preparing one’s application letter is important, and language has to be considered when writing an application letter. Caution has to be taken in order not to make the language sound demanding or too shallow for the employers’ liking (Lindsey, 97). An informational interview involves a job seeker inquiring for occupation and also industry advice from an individual or individuals instead of asking for employment. With that kind of an interview, I have been capable to gather information on detailed fields. It has also led me to prospective employers whom I can ask for employment from. I choose this as an important aspect in my career life since it has broadened my search and has opened new opportunities. By making the most out of informational interviews, my professional network will be expanded and this will give rise to new opportunities thus career growth (Lindsey, 99). This has helped a lot of people, whereby one becomes involved with school alumni association groups in order to disseminate themselves with others (Lindsey, 107). This in turn creates a networking between the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Economic difficulties of employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economic difficulties of employees - Essay Example Even though the employee originally believed and aimed to refund the money after he or she addresses the inherent economic situations, the moral of the employee was further tested due to lack of identification of the embezzled funds. For example, the employee continued taking more cash on subsequent days without feeling the guilt. The economic situation of the employee and the weakness of the financial system created the original avenue of embezzlement doubled with the lack of identification of financial accountability by the relevant authorities within the organization. For example, if there were measures to identify the shortfall within the shortest time possible, the behavior of the employee would not have continued. Therefore, the lack of accountability and the changing behavior of the employee in terms of ethical and moral standards played an important role in sustaining the embezzlement behavior. According to Doris (2002), situations can change and transform the character of in dividual introducing new characteristics that are harmful. This is clearly illustrated through changing of moral standards by the employee and capitalizing on the loopholes to fulfill his or her financial difficulties. In general, the situations can be viewed from three angles: the economic difficulties of the employee, the loopholes in the financial system and the repeated ability of the employee to steal additional cash. Hence, if one of these situations were addressed, the chances of stealing or embezzlement would have been avoided.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Bullying in Schools Essay Example for Free
Bullying in Schools Essay Bullying is an ongoing problem for many schools and communities. This behavior consists of teasing, threats, and stalking. This behavior is unacceptable and can turn violent, and even worse, deadly. There are many influences in today’s world that promote this behavior such as music, video games, movies, parents and other peers. A bully is a person that’s show strong aggression either physically or verbally and thrives on gaining power over there victim. A bully has no respect for others and will resort to violence if needed. The environment where the child/ youth come from is just part of a factor that makes a bully. A parent and or other adult figure that lives in a hostile environment and displays negative actions or a bully themselves inspire and teach these children this is how to act. Another factor is when a child is being abused they take all their anger, hurt and aggression out on another because it gains them negative self-empowerment. Yet, another factor of bullying could be just an individual trying to fit in to the â€Å"in crowd â€Å"of their peers. Yet, peers fail to see their future will bring them to jail or prison. A victim is the individual who receive the attack. These attacks can be verbal, physical or psychological abuse. Most victims picked on are loner and appear to be very insecure. They tend to not talk back or take action being picked on. A bully finds his victim by either there appearance, shy types or being behind in their academics (low grade point average). Most victims want to gain approval and exception from others and normally make several attempts with the bully. There are several side effects from being bullied such as psychological issues, depression (feeling helpless – worthless), self- harm (cutting skin, hair loss), anxiety (stress), and worst case suicide. Bullying in schools is estimated 160,000 children and teenagers miss school every day out of fear of an attack or intimidation by another peer. Over two thirds of children and teenagers in our schools today have had some type of bullying and responded poorly to the situation. Researches show that bullying occurs more in boys than in girls when it comes to verbal threats. In the year of 1994-1999 there were 253 violent deaths in school, 51 casualties in multiple death events. Bullying is the main factor in school related deaths. (Hunter, 2012) Schools throughout the United States do respond to bullying with reactive meas ZERO tolerance†in place, they have also installed security cameras and have police on staff as well as monitoring hallways. As part of this policy students can be suspended and or expelled for carrying a gun or knife to school as well as bullying. On a recent pole I conducted many teachers and other school board members feel as though suspension and expulsion is an easy way for a child to escape out of education. Our community’s fails to see the school may be the only positive place the child may be able to come, throwing them out is not the answer. The school over the last five years has introduced new programs which also include and family counseling. Programs such as early intervention helps children build social skills and offers anger management. Training for teachers and all staff that are involved daily with the children need to be able to recognize and respond quickly and positively. Teacher need to be able to provide positive environment and stick to the rules of conduct and don’t let no slip up happen, pay attention. Parents need to provide a positive environment and monitor your children and who they associate with. Also look up lyrics to the songs your child hears or watch the movies they watch. If you the parent wither be the victims or bully feels like extra help is needed talk to the school psychologist or the child doctor. Talk to your child, ask how they feel and offer solutions that promote positive help. Some people feel that bullying is just something that happens during your younger days and the child will grow away from their actions. Let’s look here; school shooting is on a rise killing innocent children attempting to get back at their bullies. Suicide as young as third grade destroys homes, families and communities. Drug use is higher than ever and teenager everyday day die from over dosing. Unless society takes steps to fight this disease that peers face daily it will continue to destroys young innocent lives at a downward spiral.
Friday, September 20, 2019
How To Write An Economics Essay
How To Write An Economics Essay INTRODUCTION Writing on any essay topic can be a daunting task. Like most English compositions, an essay has a beginning, middle and an end. It is the way in which most students are taught to think about essay writing, starting with the thesis statement and then building an argument for or against the statement. Let’s face facts, not all students are born writers and struggle with the idea of writing an essay and possibly even fear the idea. Where does one begin, especially with the task of writing an Economics essay? Any writer specialising in academic writing would suggest starting with an understanding of a sub-subject found within the Economic realm. It may be that the course suggests what to write about and this will help with clarification purposes. Essay writing and writing in general can be a scary, personal task and one must find a comfort level with the subject first. Some subjects are easier, ‘softer’ to write about and the subject of Economics is not really one of them. The thesis or premise of the essay must be right on target and backed up by concise resources. Once one decides upon a sub-topic, it is best to figure out the thesis. Only then can one proceed to the next step of presenting the supporting evidence. This would be step two. Once the evidence is presented, then in order to score extra marks, it is always a good idea to present the thoughts and views of the opposition. From there, the essay can gain strength and the writer can start to present an original concept to the reader. It is in the latter part of the essay where one can take charge of exploring one’s ideas on the topic and establish his or her voice. This allows a nature progression toward the conclusion as the essay summates its main ideas and possibly leaves the reader with new questions and thoughts on the matter. FORMULATING THE THESIS The essay should have a strong, precise thesis statement. The thesis statement defines the essay, what it will be about and how the body of the essay will form to prove the thesis as true or false. The main objective is to remain focused on topic and have a thesis statement that can be researched as a relevant, current topic. It is always important to stick to the thesis and stay on topic. As a writer, sometimes tangents develop and it is important to stay away from the lard of essay writing. Always keep in mind, does this sentence, this paragraph answer the thesis? Is it relevant to the topic and discussion? By sticking to a relevant, current topic or event, for instance the American Bailout of Corrupt Financial Institutions, this not only allows one’s own opinions to form but also a solid argument to evolve. Essays should have passion once the thesis has been established and can be supported. WHERE TO LOOK FOR INFORMATION Half of the battle is won once the thesis takes shape and one has a better idea of what to discuss. It is time to start searching for information to support the thesis. In this day and age of telecommunications technology, email and the Internet, the most popular and accepted place to start research, one would think, would be online. Use discretion here and follow the professor’s guidelines. Sometimes Internet sources, even the most up to date are misleading and counterfeit. For the subject of Economics, especially with a global, multi-national point of view, it is best to start with a reputable magazine called The Economist. Here one will find the highest quality of information on the current event of the American Bailout. There is an online version, but also a trip to the library is encouraged. From there in order to get a feeling of the impact of such a current event, look to highly reputable international newspapers like the London Telegraph and the New York Times. Since t he Bailout has been a political issue, one can also read the Washington Post. One must always question the validity of the source. Part of being a good writer is constantly questioning the information and looking for answers where one would least expect them. PRESENTING DIFFERENT SIDES The quality of research also allows the writer to present different views as a means of exploring the thesis and even testing the validity of the thesis. The essay could even result in presenting facts that allows the thesis to be discredited. This also allows the writer flexibility and suggests they are not afraid of critical review. Research and writing about the opposition carries weight because it allows the essay a sense of balance. Here the local view on the topic is important to review and surmise. This is where the original idea and discussion can formulate. The local level view of the issue allows for passion but also gives a community voice. It is a good idea to read editorials but also get the view of the average person. From here, a flood of thought processes can result and by outlining the exploration allows the writer to pinpoint important elements of each view. This creates an elegant framework for the thesis to live but also presents thoughtful relevant ideas. THE ORIGINAL IDEA The idea that every essay should have an original idea is the scariest part of formulating the thesis and body of the paper. Will this happen at all? Sometimes it can be difficult to be in the mindset that it can. Have others thought the same? Possibly but do not hold back. Pressure really haunts the process of original writing. It is important to outwit one’s self into thinking. A lot times, people want to only focus on the thesis and accurately supporting the thesis. A good professor of any subject but especially business subjects should encourage steps toward original ideas and creativity. CONCLUSION A conclusion will act to summarise the purpose of the essay and restate the thesis statement as if to remind the reader about the subject and relevance of the topic. It is important to maybe leave the reader with thought provoking ideas as well as a sense of being finished. For this purpose, this essay acted as a means to instruct one how to write an economics essay but also offered insight on how to become a better writer.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Free Essays: Nature in Dickinson’s Poetry :: Biography Biographies Essays
Nature in Dickinson’s Poetry The Imagery of Emily Dickinson, by Ruth Flanders McNaughton, in a chapter entitled "Imagery of Nature," examines the way the Emily Dickinson portrays nature in her poetry. Dickinson often identified nature with heaven or God (33), which could have been the result of her unique relationship with God and the universe. There are a lot of religious images and allusions used in her poetry, such as the rainbow as the sign of the covenant God made with Noah. Dickinson always held nature in reverence throughout her poetry, because she regarded nature as almost religious. There was almost always a mystical or religious undercurrent to her poetry, but she depicted the scenes from an artistic point of view rather than from a religious one (34). One of the most obvious things that Dickinson did in her poetry was paying minute attention to things nobody else noticed. She was obsessed with the minute detail of natureâ€â€paying attention to things such as hills, flies, bumble bees, and eclipses. In these details, Dickinson found "manifestations of the universal" and felt the harmony that bound everything together (33). The small details and particulars that caught her eye were like "small dramas of existence" (39). Each poem was like a tiny micro-chasm that testified to Dickinson’s life as a recluse. Dickinson’s created "dramas" were not static, but everything from the images she used to the words she chose for impact contributed to a "moving picture" (39). In the following poem, Dickinson writes how nature acts as a housewife sweeping through a sunset: She sweeps with many-colored brooms, And leaves the shreds behind; Oh, housewife in the evening west, Come back, and dust the pond! You dropped a purple ravelling in, You dropped an amber thread; And now you’ve littered all the East With duds of emerald! And still she plies her spotted brooms, And still the aprons fly, Till brooms fade softly into stars And then I come away. Dickinson artistically shows the "sunset in terms of house cleaning" (36). The themes of domestic life and housewifery are displayed in the preceding poem. Only somebody with the observational powers and original creativity like Emily Dickinson could see something so unique and refreshing in a sunset.
The Role of Women in The Zoo Story Essay -- Zoo Story Essays
The Role of Women in The Zoo Story Although the women characters in "The Zoo Story" are never front and center staged, they have leading roles in shaping the conditions and sensibilities of Jerry and Peter. The women referred to by each of the male characters affects, or has affected, their perceptions and routines in life. Jerry has had many encounters with various women, while Peter speaks only of three. The quantity of women roles in each man's life is not the dominate cause of their behaviors; it is the quality of the women. In "The Zoo Story" the women "backstage" are unseen influences that cloud reality for Jerry and Peter. The few women in Peter's life keep him relatively tamed. He is the male underdog of the household, surrounded by a wife and two daughters. Indicated by the dialog, Peter does not appear to be an assertive man. The women of the house are the dominate decision-makers. . .cats instead of dogs, two parakeets (one for each daughter), two television sets (one for the children). They represent the middle-class, happy family, ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine Essay -- spinal injuries, repair da
What if there was a cure for cancer or a treatment for spinal injuries? Would you support the research? What if there was a way that you could repair damaged nerves. Some believe that stem cells may hold the answers to some of these questions. What are stem cells and why should you or I even care about them? Some believe that they are a miracle treatment waiting to happen while others believe that stem cells are highly immoral. Why does so much controversy surround the issue? Why is the conversation of stem cells feared by some and praised by others? To some stem cells are the medical hopes for the future, something for us to hang on to as we do battle with major diseases that include cancer, Parkston’s disease and spinal injuries. To others stem cell researchers are murderers who are trying to play God’s hand. A many have pledged their support to stem cell research including a few well known celebrities. Reeves’, who was best known for his role in the early Sup erman movies, and J. Fox two well-known celebrities, have pledged to stem cell research, both have created a private fund for the research of stem cells. This celebrity however has not swayed everyone to support stem cell researches cause. Just as there are supporters of stem cells there are those who believe that the use of stem cells is immoral. Since the first stem cells were separated there have been doctors, religious groups and even some political figure head have shown their opposition for stem cell research. Even with the knowledge and promise that stem cells show many of those who truly oppose stem cells have not changed their mind. The question is are their reasons good enough to halt the research of stem cell or are they just holding back what will soon be inevi... ...ntroversy. New York: Facts on File Inc., 2005. Print â€Å"Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine.† University of Maryland School of Medicine Web 14 Nov 2013 Stem Cell Basics. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site] Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 [cited Friday, November 08, 2013] Available at â€Å"Stem Cell Research.† Nation Conference of State Legislatures, 2008 Web 7 Nov 2013 â€Å"Top Ten Things to Know About Stem Cell Treatments.† ISSCR. Web 1 November 2013 â€Å"What are Stem Cells?† MNT web 4 Nov 2013 Monroe, Kristen, et al., eds. Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate: The Scientific, Religious, Ethical and Political Issues. Los Angeles/Berkley: University of California Press, 2008. Print
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Changes and continuities of Roman empire Essay
Between 500 BCE and 500 CE, the Roman civilization experienced changes both politically and culturally. Firstly, Rome’s government transitioned from a Republic to an Empire. Later, that empire was split into two parts; east and west. In terms of changes in culture, it was impacted by the shift in religion, as the Romans shifted from polytheism to monotheism. Despite all the changes, Rome still remained culturally diverse. The Romans overthrew the Etruscans in 509 B.C.E. The Etruscans had ruled over the Romans for hundreds of years. Once free, the Romans established a republic, a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf. The highest positions in the government were held by two consuls who ruled the Roman republic. A senate composed of Patricians elected these consuls and at this time, lower-class citizens, or plebeians, had virtually no say in the government. Both men and women were citizens in the Roman Republic, but only men could vote. Under certain circumstances, the senate and the consuls could appoint a temporary dictator to rule for a limited time until the crisis was resolved. One of the innovations of the Roman Republic was the notion of equality under the law. In 449 B.C.E., government leaders carved some of Rome’s most important laws into 12 great tablets. During the last three centuries of the republic, Rome experienced a long series of civil wars, economic as well as political issues, and civil crisis caused by the dictatorship of Julius Caesar. After Caesar’s death, another civil war broke out destroying what was left of the Roman republic. Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian, joined forces with a general named Mark Antony and a politician named Lepidus. They took control of Rome for ten years as the Second triumvirate. The alliance ended in violence and jealousy. Octavian forced Lepidus to retire and then became rivals with Mark Antony. Octavian believed Mark Antony was plotting to rule Rome from Egypt, and another civil war erupted. Octavian defeated Antony and became the unchallenged ruler of Rome. Rome was at the height of its power from the start of Augustus’s rule in 27 B.C to 180 A.D. For 207 years, peace and prosperity resided over the Roman Empire, known as the Pax Romana. During this time, the empire spread 3 million square miles, and its population was between 60 and 80 million. The borders were also stable, since there were not any wars going on between Rome and other civilizations. Since Rome was now an empire, this meant that the government would now be ruled by a single emperor instead of two consuls. Since one person was in full control instead of two, so there was no conflict over power, and there was no need for citizens to constantly elect people to rule. However, during Octavian’s reign he set up a civil service system. He paid workers to manage the affairs of government. Although the senate still functioned, civil servants from the plebeians and even former slaves actually administered the empire. The Romans were heavily influenced by the Greeks in various ways. One facet being religion, the Roman’s were polytheistic due to Greek influence and worshipped many of the same gods. The classical Greek and Roman gods rewarded excellence over mediocrity and did not truly offer any sort of meaningful after-life. However, around 300 CE a new religion started to spread throughout Rome. This new religion being Christianity, a monotheistic religion, and a religion that believed that there was life after death and hailed Jesus as the son of God as well as the incarnation of God. In regards to life after death in the Christian religion, as long as you followed the faith and lived a virtuous life doing good deeds you would be rewarded heaven. But if one has led a life of sin, they would be doomed to spend the afterlife in hell. Those meek and seen as inferior in the Roman empire, the poor, slaves, and women felt elevated and empowered as everyone is equal in the eyes of God, in Christianity. When Christianity began to emerge, it was largely disliked as Christians refused to take part in the worship of emperors as the Romans did. It was this refusal that caused its practice to be illegal and those who chose to stick with the faith were prosecuted. Although people were being killed for practicing, Christianity started to become even more popular. After seeing Christian martyrs risk their lives for the sake of Christianity, many Romans were compelled and attracted to the faith. Also, there were Apostles who traveled around the empire spreading the message of Christianity. Then in 312 CE, Emperor Constantine proposed the Edict of Milan that banned all laws against Christianity. That allowed people to freely worship, without the fear of harsh punishment. He eventually converted on his deathbed. Then in 392 CE, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome. Christianity went from being an illegal religion to the official religion of the Roman Empire. At the height of its power, Rome controlled the greatest empire ever seen in Europe at that time. Many of the conquered nations benefited from Rome. Roman public baths, roads, water supplies, all appeared in Western Europe. The sheer size of the empire was a major reason for the collapse of Rome. In AD 284, the Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire in two parts to make it easier to rule. He created the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire, each with its own leader. Diocletian faced more than just administrative problems. More and more military defenses had to be built across the whole empire. Maintaining an army to defend the border of the Empire from barbarian attacks was a constant drain on the government. Military spending left few resources for other vital activities, such as providing public housing and maintaining quality roads and aqueducts. Frustrated Romans lost their desire to defend the Empire. The empire had to begin hiring soldiers recruited from the unemployed city mobs or worse from foreign countries. Such an army was unreliable and very expensive. The emperors were forced to raise taxes and coin more money frequently which in turn led again to increased inflation. To add to that in AD 307, Constantine became emperor. He moved the capital of the empire to a new city –Constantinople. Constantinople was much further east than Rome and firmly in the eastern empire. This left the western empire very vulnerable to attacks. The eastern empire was closer to the rich soil fertile crescent and was much easier to defend. The west began to deteriorate and went through what was known as a Dark Age. During this time there were no advances in technology, there was turmoil throughout the empire, and literacy declined dramatically. The Roman Empire went from being a thriving world power to two fragmented empires, with the west doing awful and the east maintaining some resemblance of its former glory. Despite the fact that Rome faced numerous changes throughout the centuries it still remained culturally diverse. The start of the Republic was shaped around many cultures. The idea for arches were taken from the Etruscans. The language was derived form the Latin speaking people in the area. The religion, literature, and architecture were influenced by the Greek. During the heights of the empire, war was still ever present. The influence of Rome was spreading to nearby territories and new land was acquired. With the increase in land and population it was only natural for the spread of new ideas to occur. The emergence of Christianity would prove to be a defining feature of the Roman Empire. The fall of the empire produced two weaker half’s of a once formidable empire. The western side of the empire retained the Latin language and the eastern side chose Greek instead. The resulting wars with neighbors and influx of refugees contributed even more to exchange of languages and cultures. From the beginning of Republic, to the expanding empire, to the halves; east and west, Rome remained multi-cultural. Ancient Rome went through dramatic changes from 500 BCE to 500 CE. It first underwent a change of government; shifting from a republic to an empire. Rome then changed culturally, from being polytheistic and believing in the Greek gods, to being monotheistic and believing in one deity and adhering to the guidelines of Christianity. Furthermore in 476 CE, the Roman Empire collapsed and split into two parts, and was governed by two emperors. Although Rome encountered a these alterations it still remained a multi-cultural civilization.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Industrialization of the United States Essay
The history of the United States of America had always been one of progress. Though the socio-political realm of the history of the nation is partially enshrouded by black veil of struggles, conflicts, and eventual changes, the economic sphere of the American history still conveys about the significant progresses the country has been making since the inception of the process of industrialization. It is noteworthy that industrialization in the United States of America opened new arenas for economic opportunity even though it was ingrained with several sociological drawbacks that included the encroachment of capitalist exploitations and resulting militant labor unionism. The industrial growth that the United States still boasts on had its inception in the early 1800’s and the progress went through the post-Civil War era. It must be noted that after the Civil War a dramatic change occurred in the realm of American industry. Machines started replacing the conventional hand labor w hich was once considered the primary means of manufacturing, and this mechanization gradually started increasing production capacity of the American industries in a tremendous manner (‘History of the United States: Industrialization and reform (1870-1916)’ n.d.). Moreover, the development of railways did fuel the process of industrialization greatly as distribution of goods to different corners of the nation far and wide became possible (â€Å"History of the United States: Industrialization and reform (1870-1916)†, n.d.). Also, it must be noted that â€Å"Inventors developed new products that the public wanted, and businesses produced the products in large quantities. Investors and bankers supplied the huge amounts of money that business leaders needed to expand their operations†(‘History of the United States: Industrialization and reform (1870-1916)’ n.d.). And all these ensured that the United States is on the right track of industrialization and economic progress. For the emergence of the process of industrialization in the United States and for its sustainability, as noticed in the history of the industrialization of other nations, iron and steel played a significant role. Iron and steel became the cornerstone of American industrialization since the Scottish immigrant, Andrew Carnegie, did build the steel industry with a mill that was responsible for integrating all stages of the iron refinement process starting from ore to finished rails (‘American Industrialization’ n.d.). Moreover, it was due to the establishment of the iron and steel industry that it was possible for the nation to witness the development of railways, another factor which instigated American industrialization in a faster pace. In this respect it must be said that over 100,000 miles of railway track were laid between 1877 and 1893 and this process included the standardization of gauge which again initiated more developments and among the developments were the time zone adoption allowing the coordination of systems and the adoption of steel rails that were capable of bearing heavier loads (‘American Industrialization’ n.d.). The process of industrialization of America that carried on between 1870 and 1920 also paved the way for the United States to be the primary nation of choice for innumerable immigrants. It is noteworthy that in the course of American industrialization (between 1870 and 1920) â€Å"approximately 26.5 million immigrants from Asia, Latin America, and Euro pe entered all regions of the United States, with the majority settling in the Northeast and Midwest†(‘Industrializing America: Theme 2’ n.d.). Some of these migrants came to the United States to avoid political and religious persecution while some others reached the land forsaking their motherland for the sake of economic opportunity and financial prosperity (‘Industrializing America: Theme 2’ n.d.). In this relation it must be noted that, the more the immigrants gathered in the United States the more the nation’s workforce was strengthened and this strengthening also contributed significantly to the process of industrialization of the United States. And this is evident in the fact that â€Å"Using transcontinental railroads ad river boats, immigrants fanned out across the country to look for jobs: the Japanese in California’s fruit orchards, Mexicans in Colorado’s mines and beet fields, Scandinavians in western mines, Italians in iron mining camps in Missouri, and the Irish in New York factories†(â€Å"Industrializing America: Theme 2†, n.d.). But with every boon comes a ban e and this was also the case with American industrialization. The more the industries started growing the more was the degree of ill-treatment of the factory owners toward the labor class. To protect the interests of the labors different labor unions started to crop up. But despite of unionism the relation between labors and capitalists could not be improved considerably. As a result labor strife arose in the 1870s and frequent strikes started following and the unrests also encompassed tragic events like Haymarket Massacre which occurred in 1886 in Chicago when a bomb killed seven people and wounded seventy, and such incidents became frequent in the form of events like Homestead Strike in Pennsylvania in 1892 that claimed seven deaths (‘American Industrialization’, n.d.). And the tensions that were generated through these events reshaped the sociological concepts of class struggle in the United States – a concept which is still plaguing the U.S. society extensively. In conclusion, industrialization of the United States was the culmination of different factors that were combined together and functioned collaboratively. And these factors were correlated. As a matter of fact, industrialization of the United States of America opened new arenas for economic opportunity even though it was ingrained with several sociological drawbacks that included the encroachment of capitalist exploitations and resulting militant labor unionism. Bibliography ‘American Industrialization’. n.d.. Accessed October 11. ‘History Of The United States: Industrialization And Reform (1870-1916)’. n.d.. Accessed October 11. ‘Industrializing America: Theme 2’. n.d..
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Dbq Ratifying the Constitution
D. B. Q. 4: Ratifying the Constitution The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787, yet there was a struggle for its ratification that went on until 1790. Members of Congress believed that the Articles of Confederation, the first government of the United States, needed to be altered while others did not want change. After the Revolutionary War, the people did not want a strong central government, because it reminded them too much of what they were trying to escape. Under the Articles, each state had their own laws, and the need for a new Constitution was desired by many.This desired Constitution created a huge dispute and an argument between people who wanted things to stay the way they were and people who urged to change the Articles. The people who desired change in government were called Federalists. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and Ben Franklin were all a part of the Federalists. The Federalists believed that the economy was in turmoil because of the Articles (Doc 1). Under the Articles each state had its own currency which created a problem for interstate trade. Another issue that the Federalists had was that the rich were not making money.On August 1, 1786, George Washington wrote a letter addressed to John Jay stating that they â€Å"have errors to correct†. In saying this Washington agrees in the fact that the Articles needed to be revised. The Federalists believed that the government trusted the people with too many rights. The states were allowed to refuse the Federal government whenever they chose. The new country that was trying to establish themselves, weren’t united, but instead â€Å"thirteen sovereign, independent, disunited States†(Doc 3). The central government didn’t have enough power under the Articles.The Federalists believed that even though they didn’t want to be ruled again like they were under England’s rule, that it was necessary to have a strong central governmen t. Anti-federalists were the people who believed that the Articles were working perfectly fine and it would be unnecessary to change them. Two of the major leaders of this group were Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, who was overseas during this time. The Anti-Federalists thought that under the Articles people had the rights that they rightfully deserved. Under the Articles, the poor people benefitted greatly.During the process of trying to get the new Constitution ratified the Anti-Federalists felt that under this new government the rich had all of the power instead of the people (Doc 5). Under the Articles the states had the power to make laws and do whatever they pleased, and to some of the states the idea of changing to a government that the central government had all the power was absolutely absurd. Other people felt as if the new Constitution had no separation of powers. They felt as if the branches had too much power and there was nothing keeping one branch from becoming to o powerful (Doc 2).The Anti-Federalists did not want to be in the same kind of government they fought so hard to get away from. The Anti-Federalists were also frustrated with the fact that the new Constitution laid out all the rules, but did not list any rights the people had. So Federalists came up with the Bill of Rights as a way to get the Constitution ratified. The Bill Of Rights lead the Anti-Federalists to be less fearful of the new Constitution (Doc 6). This guaranteed that the people would still remain to have rights, but the strong central government that the country needed would be approved and put into motion.The arguments over the ratification of the Constitution ultimately came to an agreement. The Federalists and Anti-Federalists came to many compromises during the process of getting the Constitution approved. The Federalists thought that the country needed a strong central government while the Anti-Federalist believed that the Articles were working okay. Eventually, b oth sides came to an agreement and ratified what the United States now knows as the Constitution, and over two-hundred years later the Constitution is still in effect.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Early experiences with art Essay
The first experience I had with art was when I was an eight year old. I was in a restaurant with my parents when the painting on the wall struck me. I was unable to take my eyes off the painting. It was absolutely stunning with myriad hues and bright colors. The painting was a replica of the ‘Renoirs Luncheon of the Boating Party’. The colors in the painting were charming, bringing out the best of the painter and his art. Life for the people seemed to be like songs with unending lyrics, going on and on, eternally like the water lapping against the sides of their boat. That moment I realized that art could bring pictures to life. That day I decide that art would be a part of my life always. I started studying the various pieces of art that I could see. The art used to make my life more meaningful. I could identify myself with most of the artists and their work. Art slowly brought a change in me. I started looking at life from a different perspective. Life seemed full of meaning for me. My parents and teachers were very supportive of my interest in art. In fact, they encouraged me to paint various portraits. My teacher took a special interest in me and encouraged me to do my best. Their words egged me on and I was able to even have a small exhibition of my paintings in my school at the age of sixteen. It was a great success. At present, though there is lesser time for me to spend on art and my artistic abilities may have dulled a little. My love for art has not decreased. I now buy paintings that are affordable and keep gazing at them for even hours at times. I have kept painting whenever I could and have gifted a few of my best paintings to friends who have admired the paintings and have accorded them a place in the wall of their houses. Since childhood, I have started admiring and studying the art of various great painters more closely. I have been able to learn the intricacies of various paintings. I have realized that paintings are an index of the painters’ feelings. The art is usually from the heart.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketing Plan - Assignment Example mers across the nation to create their respective online profiles, search for games they are interested in and place a bid for purchasing games from other users. This transactional relationship could be based upon 1) paying the full price of the video game or 2) exchanging video games without the payment of additional costs. The premise of Game Change Inc.’s platform is based upon the notion of acting as an intermediary between two entities (the buyer and the seller) for assisting and facilitating the completion of the transaction and shipping the product to the respective buyer. Moreover, the product idea is also based upon reviving the concept of C2C online purchasing by designing a platform which exclusively serves the Canadian market that is recognized as being the third largest nation in terms of the development of video games (Entertainment Software Association of Canada, 2013). According to Kotler and Armstrong (1991), the tool of SWOT analysis can be applied with respect to the company for the purposes of conducting an effective assessment of the market in which it operates. The identification of the organization’s internal and external matters through the execution of this model can allow the company to have a better view of how it develop its strength to significantly benefit from opportunities while, eliminating the noted threats through the minimization of weaknesses. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company can therefore be recognized as follows: The strengths of Game Change Inc. are incorporated in the flexible pricing plans which are being offered by the service as unlike the organization’s competitors, the company is focusing upon offering full payment and exchange plans. Secondly, it must also be recognized that unlike its primary competitors Kijiji, eBay and Amazon, Game Change is an exclusive and dedicated gaming platform which strives to enhance the gamers’ overall purchase experience. Therefore, the company
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Overthrow By Stephen Kinzer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Overthrow By Stephen Kinzer - Essay Example US Regime Change: Changing Tactics, Causes and Results Stay the Same The first thing one must do to understand the series of regime changes represented in Overthrow is to note the ways and reasons the methods of regime change differed throughout history. The first set of regime changes during the Imperial Era, were marked by a unique combination of willingness to use military force and a frankness about the fact that the United States had in fact orchestrated the changes in power. One can see an example of both principles in the regime change orchestrated in Panama in the early 20th century. At the outset of the 20th century, Panama was a colony of Columbia, and the Columbian government was unwilling to allow Americans to build a canal across part of their country, and rejected a treaty that would have given America the right to build one. In response to this America undertook military action in support of a rebellion it started, including sending warships to blockade ports in Panama. This rebellion, with American military support, was eventually succ essful, leading to a pro-American government in Panama. When questioned about this forceful ousting of the Columbian regime, then president Roosevelt simply said that it was Columbia’s own fault for ignoring â€Å"the plainest warnings†that America would take power if Columbia did not capitulate. This shows the way that in this Era, America was more than happy to use military force, and was so bold to even freely admit it would depose regimes who opposed American interests. Following the close of the Second World War and the outbreak of the Cold War, America had to start becoming more discreet about the ways it took power. During this period, the Soviet Union â€Å"limited [American] freedom of action,†4 because America could not risk undertaking activities which could bring on a Soviet reaction, which could possibly escalate to a war between the Soviet Union and America – a â€Å"cataclysmic†nuclear war neither side would truly win.5 These meant American operations were driven underground – covert operations such as financing opposition rebels or political parties (as Nixon did when trying to oust Allende)6 or secret assassinations (such as the â€Å"several times the CIA has tried to kill†Fidel Castro).7 Following World War II America could no longer openly attack foreign leaders, and could no longer admit to their actions publicly. With the winding down of military tensions and the eventual downfall of the Soviet Union, the major restriction on American military might was removed. The United States responded by engaging in an ever more forceful foreign policy, Probably the first instance of this new willingness to engage in full blown military conflict was the American Invasion of Grenada, conducted in 1983.8 One of the major distinguishing features of Warfare during the era of Invasion was that, though militarily America could once again act with impunity, the ideology of both the world and American
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of John Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of John - Essay Example Gospel of Matthew reveals the substance of Teaching.Here Jesus' image is of a Messiah King,Anointed One, Son of God, Kingdom of God, etc.with an emphasize on Jesus' kingly rule and divine authority. Jesus' image is drawn through His authority over nature with the means of miracles, authority over sin by forgiving, and authority over death through the resurrection. This starts with the depiction to be as descendant of King David with the miracle birth story. The historical correctness about the lineage presents Jesus more with human aspects and less with the incarnation. The most apparent is the factthat Jesus' image is consistent with the Gospels of Mark and Luke with a dependency upon history. "Matthew collected the sayings of Jesus in the Hebrew tongue." Taking liberty with the historical framework, the Gospel of John,presents a unique perspective varying not only from the Gospel of Matthew but also from theother remaining gospels. The interpretation is presented with spiritual theme rather than the historical events. With differentiation this provides with John's unique record of his first hand accounts of experiences with Jesus during His life on earth beginning with His identification as "the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Just in the second chapter Jesus performs His first miracle by converting water into wine; and also He predicts His resurrection. Jesus' image is built with vivid lessons, instructions, and the priorities of life using many parables tolearn from effectively. Jesus explains the significance of having a relationship with Him with true difference in life, in addition to the importance of living life on earth and determining our eternal destiny after death. Here, He is a Jewish Messiah. John subs tantiates His purpose and the reason He was sent to earth by God. Jesus' persona clarifies the truth about God, eternity, and making a choice to accept Him as our personal Savior. He becomes flesh and makes His dwelling among us. He came to earth in human form by stooping to the human level with a vision of dying a physical death for taking away our sins. From the beginning John's Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. Jesus is the key to membership in God's family. Matthew's ministry of Jesus is restricted only to Galilee with Jerusalem trip in the end; whereas for John that is full of traveling with diverse locations. John's Jesus issupposed to be questioned; some explanation is released upon question. Whereas Matthew' Jesus is the preacher with the conclusion without a need of clarification. Both depictions conjure up Jesus to be the God; but Matthew's Jesus reflects a journey from human to God, while John's Jesus remains God throughout. Matthew's presentation is of a human form, initially, that later on develops into the vast personification of God; Johns' presentation is of the God Himself since the onset taking birth as a human to help and save the people. The scenepresented in Gospel of Matthew exhibits a tendency of "no question" because He is the God. Jesus in Gospel of John, though being a divine power, helps people with explanation. Iftheformer is just a Teaching, then the later is a kind of Learning. If the former is a story of Reali zation, the later is a story of Incarnation. However, the illustration by Matthew is believed to be more correct due to being in accordance with the "original voice" and the historical actuality. The illustration of John is
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Failures of Banks in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Failures of Banks in UK - Essay Example The scope of the project is to explore and understand various issues related to short term bonus culture, UK banking sector with respect to current economic conditions. This will also help in understanding the drawbacks and benefits of the short term programmes. There are various limitations of this study. These limitation ranges from the availability of adequate resources like human, time and finance to the availability of required information and data. Data required for the software gaming industry is difficult to obtain due to complex and unorganised industry structure. The second chapter covers literature review and contains compilations and analysis of previously conducted research studies and other publications having direct or indirect relevance with the present research. The conceptual framework and research gaps will be discussed in this chapter. This chapter provides methodological and procedural presentation of research process and provides research design. The research comprise of qualitative and quantitative methods. The primary data of the research will be collected from the customers using the products and professionals working in the online gaming sector. The self -administered questionnaires will be used for data collection process. The secondary research will be based on information available on various secondary resources. Chapter 4 This chapter is the presentation of all the findings and analysis of the data collected. Chapter 5 This chapter provides conclusion and research implications on the basis of the findings from
Monday, September 9, 2019
Jeri Caldwell at Moex, INC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jeri Caldwell at Moex, INC - Assignment Example rt from that, others like Jeff Fairbanks, Bonita Harriman and Rafford Marshall feel being subjected to colorblind referring to conforming to the mainstream or dominant group way and feel pressured to give up their unique way of speaking, dressing, religion or relating to one another by the minority group (Robins, Judge and Vohra, 56). The minority group at MOEX is also experiencing exclusion discrimination as they feel they are treated like outsiders in the company. The problems are coming from the past behavior that is unfair discrimination practices of the company, insufficient affirmative action to correct the past discrimination and ineffective diversity management. Also the conservative culture of MOEX, in comparison with other high-tech firms, low representation of minorities in the workforce due to company’s inability to attract and retain diverse people and its reputation in color communities of being unsupportive and sometimes hostile attitude towards colored people are leading to the problems of discrimination and colorblindness. Apart from that, the discriminatory behavior of dominant group that is stereotyping the color people, ethnocentrism and non-inclusion of minorities are also contributing to the problem of discrimination. To tackle the problem of unfair discrimination the simplest method is using legislation and affirmative action. However legal approaches are effective only after the event of discrimination as they do not exactly specify how discrimination can be prevented (Crane and Matten, 275). It is also clear from the case that MOEX has taken steps towards changing its past behavior with respect to discrimination by recruiting diverse employees. However its strategy was not effective and it also failed to retain diverse employees. It is in the hands of the management and its policies can avoid the occurrence of discrimination, colorblind and exclusion. MOEX by implementing the following diversity management strategies can effectively
World Religions Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
World Religions Report - Essay Example Marriage of non-Filipinos to those belonging in Iglesia families is just one of the examples of how those comprising the minority of the Iglesia population have been involved in the religion (Catholic Answers, 2004). Despite the widespread estimate of the number of the constituents (which is between three million and ten million including those outside the Philippines), the Iglesia conceals their real population. It has a larger population than the more known Jehovah’s Witnesses, which also assert their being the genuine Church of Christ (Catholic Answers, 2004). Indeed, unlike most of the other cults which have Western origins, Iglesia ni Kristo (INC) or the Church of Christ has its roots from the Philippines with Encyclopedia Britannica (2007) describing it as indigenous. Historically, it was a small church founded by Felix Manalo in July 27, 1914 (Elesterio, 1988). Thus, he was considered by his followers as the messenger of God. After the fast expansion 1945, the number of members reached the 600,000 mark by the end of the 20th century (â€Å"Iglesia ni Kristo†, 2007). This has also led to the building of chapels throughout the country and to their being a well-heeled federal religious organization. However, the foundation of INC was not an easy task; it was a great struggle for Manalo. Yet, Harper (2001) noted that one thing is certain: preliminary association with the Bible pushed him to impugn what has been taught to him regarding religion and God in the Roman Catholic Church. According to her research, Manalo had joined other religious groups before he finally established INC. At the age of 18, it was found out that he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church where he trained about the Bible and become a lay preacher. At 22, he also studied with the Presbyterians and joined Mision Cristiana, the Christian Mission of the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Drug Usage Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Drug Usage - Article Example Marconova is also one such offshore company that is concerned about the health and drug usage among employees of Heerema Marine Contractors. Marconova is handling its first project on Heerema Marine Contractors, so it wants to take extreme care of the fact that employees work efficiently. Marconova had conducted similar kind of test last year on the employees of Heerma Marine Contractors, which were conducted at three different locations and included all employees working under Heerma Marine Contractors. Marconova has an experienced team of doctors and nurses, who offer their services worldwide. They are usually responsible to conduct test and present reports and suggestions to the employees. The person who is responsible for testing makes an announcement one hour before the test and then urine samples of the employees are taken for the test. These tests try to find out the usage of drugs and narcotics among employees. Drug usage develops addiction of the substance used, and the empl oyee or individual is forced to use the substance again and again. This addiction is very problematic for the employees as they lose control of their self. It also deviate attention from the work and reduces the effectiveness of employees. It is important to note that the drug usage among people and employees have been increasing significantly in past few years. It is important that the problem is assessed and strict measures are taken in order to prevent future problems. According to the results of the test taken by Marconova, 2% of the samples were found positive, showing usage of drugs. It is learned that one of the causes of Exxon oil spill is the usage of drugs by its employees, which led to negligence of different operational aspect.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Sarahs Key Essay Example for Free
Sarahs Key Essay The dance ‘The Oppression of the Jewish Race’ was based on the stimulus ‘Schindlers List’ directed by Steven Spielberg. The dance is in narrative structure based on the journey of the Jewish race from freedom to oppression. The feelings within this dance vary. In the first section, the dance begins with a light playfulness where happiness and hope are portrayed by the dancers. This hopefulness gradually fade however, as the dance steadily progresses into bleakness and has a numbing quality to it. The dancers continue in this despair with outwards signs of pain being expressed. The feeling in the end section of the dance is one of utter hopelessness and anguish. The dance concludes with this feeling as it is how the Jews felt by the end of the Holocaust and as many of their lives ended when the Holocaust was taking place during World War II. This was the motivations that the choreographer used to choreograph this dance. The overall choreographic intention is to convey the oppression of the Jewish race. Through five sections of the dance this is displayed as each section gets progressively worse in a narrative structure that depicts different parts of the Schindlers List movie the stimulus. I was given the role, by the guest choreographer, of a teenage Jewish girl who is a similar age to me. Using the Stanislavski techniques I developed my character for each section of the dance. In the beginning I am happy and free, using emotional memory to get into character before I begin dancing. As the dance progresses my character becomes less and less happy and free. By the second section, I have lost all emotion and my movements are no longer free but more mechanical. My facial expressions slowly transform into those of pain and my movement reflects this as they are bound. When in the gas chambers I brought the idea of pain in my movements and expressions as my character passes away. I brought the understanding of what the Jewish race would have gone through during this time, through my character. Section 1 – The Beginning The beginning section of the dance is acting. There are seven dancers on stage, each interacting with someone. One dancer (a small boy character) runs onto the performance space from stage left to find his toy car, which he finds and then plays with. Another dancer runs on from stage right (a small girl character) with her toy doll. The boy then snatches the doll away from the girl and teases her with it as she chases after him. The boy’s mother then enters (third dancer to enter the stage) from stage left and tells off the boy for being mean to the girl. The girl’s mother then enters the performance space and supports the girl as she is apologised to by the boy. At the same time as this apology is taking place. A grandmother and her granddaughter are making their way through the space beginning from upstage right. This is when I enter the performance. I run onto the performance space from upstage left, waving as I enter. I move through the space to interact with two of the other dancers, by hugging both of them as they are my grandma and friend. I then walk down stage with the grandmother and friend and my focus is on the other dancers who are greeting each other, the mood is light and free. The dancers then make their way down stage to form a line. They then take whatever prop that they have with them (e. g. the car for the boy) and have it in their hand. Activity One Choreographic Intention The dance ‘The Oppression of the Jewish Race’ was based on the stimulus ‘Schindlers List’ directed by Steven Spielberg. The dance is in narrative structure based on the journey of the Jewish race from freedom to oppression. The feelings within this dance vary. In the first section, the dance begins with a light playfulness where happiness and hope are portrayed by the dancers. This hopefulness gradually fade however, as the dance steadily progresses into bleakness and has a numbing quality to it. The dancers continue in this despair with outwards signs of pain being expressed. The feeling in the end section of the dance is one of utter hopelessness and anguish. The dance concludes with this feeling as it is how the Jews felt by the end of the Holocaust and as many of their lives ended when the Holocaust was taking place during World War II. This was the motivations that the choreographer used to choreograph this dance. The overall choreographic intention is to convey the oppression of the Jewish race. Through five sections of the dance this is displayed as each section gets progressively worse in a narrative structure that depicts different parts of the Schindlers List movie the stimulus. I was given the role, by the guest choreographer, of a teenage Jewish girl who is a similar age to me. Using the Stanislavski techniques I developed my character for each section of the dance. In the beginning I am happy and free, using emotional memory to get into character before I begin dancing. As the dance progresses my character becomes less and less happy and free. By the second section, I have lost all emotion and my movements are no longer free but more mechanical. My facial expressions slowly transform into those of pain and my movement reflects this as they are bound. When in the gas chambers I brought the idea of pain in my movements and expressions as my character passes away. I brought the understanding of what the Jewish race would have gone through during this time, through my character. Section 1 – The Beginning The beginning section of the dance is acting. There are seven dancers on stage, each interacting with someone. One dancer (a small boy character) runs onto the performance space from stage left to find his toy car, which he finds and then plays with. Another dancer runs on from stage right (a small girl character) with her toy doll. The boy then snatches the doll away from the girl and teases her with it as she chases after him. The boy’s mother then enters (third dancer to enter the stage) from stage left and tells off the boy for being mean to the girl. The girl’s mother then enters the performance space and supports the girl as she is apologised to by the boy. At the same time as this apology is taking place. A grandmother and her granddaughter are making their way through the space beginning from upstage right. This is when I enter the performance. I run onto the performance space from upstage left, waving as I enter. I move through the space to interact with two of the other dancers, by hugging both of them as they are my grandma and friend. I then walk down stage with the grandmother and friend and my focus is on the other dancers who are greeting each other, the mood is light and free. The dancers then make their way down stage to form a line. They then take whatever prop that they have with them (e. g. the car for the boy) and have it in their hand. Each dancer, in time with the music, kneels down and places their prop on the ground and has one last moment with it. The dancers focus stays on the ground as they all stand up and then simultaneously they raise their heads, their focus up and out. This concludes this section. I learnt this section by getting into character and portraying the emotions that a teenage Jewish girl would. I interact with the other character and I had to really make sure that I used ensemble awareness when getting into the line so that there was equal space between the dancers next to me and to be in a straight line. I portray the intentions of the dance by interacting with the other dancers, showing my relationship with them – this portrays that Jewish race was free to be who they are. My interaction with my prop shows how the Jewish race is still holding on to its individuality but has to eventually let it go. Section 2 – Free Motif This section involves free and flowing movements. The focus of the dancers is all on the movements as it begins with a series of retire step with arms open and moving in a circular motion (half of the dancers go upstage and the other half continue to move toward stage right along down stage), into a drag turn with the left leg and foot is out and the arms are extended on a diagonal, with the body on a tilt. The dancers then run forward and reach toward the sky before they bend and contract their bodies, running backwards with their arms curved alongside their torsos. This is followed by many flowing movements, with the opening of arms, reaching out and looking up. The section finishes with the dancers dropping to their knees with their arms out in front of them. As they get up the pain on their faces begins to show as they enter into the Hitler salute and lifting the right leg at the same time and then coming together to shuffle along with our hands placed on one another shoulders. This ending of the section shows the Nazi regime tightening and sending to Jewish people to concentration camps, their freedom being taken away from them. This section also involves many contemporary contractions and I have had to work on ballet technique. When practising the retires I needed to focus is on pointing my feet, keeping my left arm extended in second and staying up on releve. Through the use of focus and expression I brought the idea across that I was free yet not happy as I know that something is wrong, being in the ghettos. Section 3 – Mechanical Motif The dancers facial expressions in this section are completely blank when completing the dance moves, almost, no sign of any emotion, almost like a robot. Their focus is directly out or in the direction they are moving to. This reinforces the idea that they are losing the very essence of who they are, their humanity and individuality and are beginning to live as though they are like machines. This section is performed through twice. The first time it its completed is in complete unison, the second time they are dancing the same movements but repeated different moves three times so it looks like each dancer is doing something different though they all end at the same time. This section involves a series of isolations of the arms, feet, legs and body as the dances move mechanically. After the isolations is a back bend. The dancers place their hands on the small of their back; tilt back and head facing the sky. This is the only place in this section when the dancer’s faces show expression – pain, with mouths open to show the intensity of it. The dancers then hunch over with knees bent, walk forward and then stand up with hands clasped up by their shoulder, before they drop to the floor. Once on the floor the dancers sit back on their knees and circle round in a back bend and then stand up. This whole sequence is repeated as stated before except for the circled backbend and that concludes this section. I had to practice the sharpness of the movements and keeping myself void of Each dancer, in time with the music, kneels down and places their prop on the ground and has one last moment with it. The dancers focus stays on the ground as they all stand up and then simultaneously they raise their heads, their focus up and out. This concludes this section. I learnt this section by getting into character and portraying the emotions that a teenage Jewish girl would. I interact with the other character and I had to really make sure that I used ensemble awareness when getting into the line so that there was equal space between the dancers next to me and to be in a straight line. I portray the intentions of the dance by interacting with the other dancers, showing my relationship with them – this portrays that Jewish race was free to be who they are. My interaction with my prop shows how the Jewish race is still holding on to its individuality but has to eventually let it go. Section 2 – Free Motif This section involves free and flowing movements. The focus of the dancers is all on the movements as it begins with a series of retire step with arms open and moving in a circular motion (half of the dancers go upstage and the other half continue to move toward stage right along down stage), into a drag turn with the left leg and foot is out and the arms are extended on a diagonal, with the body on a tilt. The dancers then run forward and reach toward the sky before they bend and contract their bodies, running backwards with their arms curved alongside their torsos. This is followed by many flowing movements, with the opening of arms, reaching out and looking up. The section finishes with the dancers dropping to their knees with their arms out in front of them. As they get up the pain on their faces begins to show as they enter into the Hitler salute and lifting the right leg at the same time and then coming together to shuffle along with our hands placed on one another shoulders. This ending of the section shows the Nazi regime tightening and sending to Jewish people to concentration camps, their freedom being taken away from them. This section also involves many contemporary contractions and I have had to work on ballet technique. When practising the retires I needed to focus is on pointing my feet, keeping my left arm extended in second and staying up on releve. Through the use of focus and expression I brought the idea across that I was free yet not happy as I know that something is wrong, being in the ghettos. Section 3 – Mechanical Motif The dancers facial expressions in this section are completely blank when completing the dance moves, almost, no sign of any emotion, almost like a robot. Their focus is directly out or in the direction they are moving to. This reinforces the idea that they are losing the very essence of who they are, their humanity and individuality and are beginning to live as though they are like machines. This section is performed through twice. The first time it its completed is in complete unison, the second time they are dancing the same movements but repeated different moves three times so it looks like each dancer is doing something different though they all end at the same time. This section involves a series of isolations of the arms, feet, legs and body as the dances move mechanically. After the isolations is a back bend. The dancers place their hands on the small of their back; tilt back and head facing the sky. This is the only place in this section when the dancer’s faces show expression – pain, with mouths open to show the intensity of it. The dancers then hunch over with knees bent, walk forward and then stand up with hands clasped up by their shoulder, before they drop to the floor. Once on the floor the dancers sit back on their knees and circle round in a back bend and then stand up. This whole sequence is repeated as stated before except for the circled backbend and that concludes this section. I had to practice the sharpness of the movements and keeping myself void of expression of emotion during this section so that I could effectively portray the end of the Jewish races freedom through my movements. Section 4 – Bound Motif This section has the dancers focus mostly on the hands. There is a mixture of point and flexing of the feet as the hands are cupped. The dancers then contract and then lift up, back flexed and hands flat above head. Then the chest and stomach concaves as the dancers turn and then lift their leg. They then swoop the arms while bending to the right. The dancers then swing around to push out their cupped hands. They then turn again, still with the arms cupped and circle their head around while raising the cupped hands. The dancers then walk back into a cluster as this section conclude. I had difficulty alternating between flexing and pointing my feet and I had to practise this to be able to show the bound movements that are the constriction that the Jews are going through. Section 5 – Gas Chamber Scene This is the section where all of the dancers act/dance their death in the gas chambers. Our black dresses are taken off and the dancers are ‘naked’. Each of the dancers begins by raising their heads in unison as if to look at the ‘shower heads’ that release the gas. The expression is a mixture of hope and utter despair. The music then drops and the dancer’s shoulders hunch over and it is if they had been punched in the stomach. All the dancers then interact with one another as they slowly die. The last person dies as the violin ends, with a single lifted hand that comes shakily down as the dance ends. This death symbolises how the Jews dies as one group, their dignity stripped away and their race slandered. I had to practise this is a lot with another dancer and working together to try and project the death of our characters. This help to show the intention of how they still helped each other even as they were dying. When I performed I used weight bearing in the death scene as I hold one of the dancers who fall onto me. This is to show the support that the Jews are still giving one another. Throughout the different sections my focus varies from out at the audience, to my hands and then focusing on the different movements. This is to enhance the ideas of going from freedom to oppression. There are many relationships with the other dancers through interaction with the other dancers. This is particularly in the beginning section and in the death scene. I interact with two of the dancers at the beginning as I hug them and walk with them. In the death scene I hold one of the dancers and then with my ‘grandma’ we clasp hands and hold her. expression of emotion during this section so that I could effectively portray the end of the Jewish races freedom through my movements. Section 4 – Bound Motif This section has the dancers focus mostly on the hands. There is a mixture of point and flexing of the feet as the hands are cupped. The dancers then contract and then lift up, back flexed and hands flat above head. Then the chest and stomach concaves as the dancers turn and then lift their leg. They then swoop the arms while bending to the right. The dancers then swing around to push out their cupped hands. They then turn again, still with the arms cupped and circle their head around while raising the cupped hands. The dancers then walk back into a cluster as this section conclude. I had difficulty alternating between flexing and pointing my feet and I had to practise this to be able to show the bound movements that are the constriction that the Jews are going through. Section 5 – Gas Chamber Scene. This is the section where all of the dancers act/dance their death in the gas chambers. Our black dresses are taken off and the dancers are ‘naked’. Each of the dancers begins by raising their heads in unison as if to look at the ‘shower heads’ that release the gas. The expression is a mixture of hope and utter despair. The music then drops and the dancer’s shoulders hunch over and it is if they had been punched in the stomach. All the dancers then interact with one another as they slowly die. The last person dies as the violin ends, with a single lifted hand that comes shakily down as the dance ends. This death symbolises how the Jews dies as one group, their dignity stripped away and their race slandered. I had to practise this is a lot with another dancer and working together to try and project the death of our characters. This help to show the intention of how they still helped each other even as they were dying. When I performed I used weight bearing in the death scene as I hold one of the dancers who fall onto me. This is to show the support that the Jews are still giving one another. Throughout the different sections my focus varies from out at the audience, to my hands and then focusing on the different movements. This is to enhance the ideas of going from freedom to oppression. There are many relationships with the other dancers through interaction with the other dancers. This is particularly in the beginning section and in the death scene. I interact with two of the dancers at the beginning as I hug them and walk with them. In the death scene I hold one of the dancers and then with my ‘grandma’ we clasp hands and hold her. Activity Five Technique Contemporary ballet is a form of dance which incorporates elements of both classical ballet and modern dance. It takes its technique and use of Pointe work from classical ballet, although it permits a greater range of movement that may not adhere to the strict body lines of ballet technique. Many of its concepts come from the ideas and innovations of 20th century modern dance, including floor work, balletic movements and turn-in of the legs Most contemporary ballet focuses on the movement rather than a storyline, though this dance is an exception. Contemporary ballet does not focus on symmetry, and having a stage that is unbalanced is characteristic of the style. It focuses more on a physical interpretation of a theme. Contemporary ballet dancers curve, twist and bend their upper bodies, which is different to ballet, which is all about having perfect posture and control. This dance has a series of contemporary ballet based movement like contractions, curved backs, flexed feet and abstract movements Activity Five Technique Contemporary ballet is a form of dance which incorporates elements of both classical ballet and modern dance. It takes its technique and use of Pointe work from classical ballet, although it permits a greater range of movement that may not adhere to the strict body lines of ballet technique. Many of its concepts come from the ideas and innovations of 20th century modern dance, including floor work, balletic movements and turn-in of the legs Most contemporary ballet focuses on the movement rather than a storyline, though this dance is an exception. Contemporary ballet does not focus on symmetry, and having a stage that is unbalanced is characteristic of the style. It focuses more on a physical interpretation of a theme. Contemporary ballet dancers curve, twist and bend their upper bodies, which is different to ballet, which is all about having perfect posture and control. This dance has a series of contemporary ballet based movement like contractions, curved backs, flexed feet and abstract movements Two movements/moments that I found difficult: Moment/Movement one: I had to work quite a lot on my retire in the second section. I needed to make sure that my left arm is support and is strong in second position. I also to make sure that my left foot connects with my right leg on the side of my knee. I need to focus on my left hand as my right arm is circling around. In the performance, because I practised them, I performed this movement with clarity and confidence, whilst think of how I practised it. Moment/Movement 2: In the beginning I had to work on becoming my character, the teenage Jewish girl who is happy and free. Using Stanislavski techniques, I remembered a time when I was feeling happy and free, using my emotional memory to get into character before I begin dancing each practise. During the actual performance I got into character before entering the performance space, remember how I was happy and free from the practises prior to the performance. Breath My breath is used to show my emotion in the dance. In section one and two my breath comes easy and is free flowing like the movements. In section three it is sharp and restricted as the movements and isolations are causing this. In section four and five my breath is laboured and shaky as I am in pain and in despair. Two movements/moments that I found difficult: Moment/Movement one: I had to work quite a lot on my retire in the second section. I needed to make sure that my left arm is support and is strong in second position. I also to make sure that my left foot connects with my right leg on the side of my knee. I need to focus on my left hand as my right arm is circling around. In the performance, because I practised them, I performed this movement with clarity and confidence, whilst think of how I practised it. Moment/Movement 2: In the beginning I had to work on becoming my character, the teenage Jewish girl who is happy and free. Using Stanislavski techniques, I remembered a time when I was feeling happy and free, using my emotional memory to get into character before I begin dancing each practise. During the actual performance I got into character before entering the performance space, remember how I was happy and free from the practises prior to the performance. Breath My breath is used to show my emotion in the dance. In section one and two my breath comes easy and is free flowing like the movements. In section three it is sharp and restricted as the movements and isolations are causing this. In section four and five my breath is laboured and shaky as I am in pain and in despair.
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