Saturday, August 31, 2019
An A student
So much so that common phrases such as â€Å"An easy ‘A'†and â€Å"An ‘A' for effort†have emerged, while others insist that an â€Å"A†is closer to perfection Han it is to â€Å"a good effort†. Grades are supposed to be a numerical/letter representation of ones academic progress in a course or lesson. But more often than not, good grades become a goal and not a reward; thus students are striving for grades and not the knowledge which they represent. In his article â€Å"Making the Grade†, Kurt Westfield points out that students are often undeserving granted good grades.This allows the same students to graduate with a degree and find a Job, without the actual knowledge needed to strive in their field. Similarly, he then goes on to note that these under-qualified students that are now in the workplace aren't ready for the tasks at hand. Universities are sending students into their careers with the same immediate they had throughout chor eographs, find the quick and easy way to get the Job done. Consequently, Jobs and projects could be done incorrectly or left incomplete. The difference is, though, that when these real world Jobs are incomplete or incorrect, they can create real world problems and difficulties.The grading system was made with the intention that it would accurately reflect a dents performance in a class. It's commonly believed that if a student understands a subject well, they deserve an â€Å"A†. But for a student to actually deserve that grade, they must also complete the entire workload, whether they know they information or not. The grade in the class is determined by the amount of work the student completes correctly, and this is where the controversy starts. Some argue that if a student demonstrates that he/she understands the given subject, he/she should be given a passing grade (whether their work was completed or not).Others argue that if a student truly works their hardest and gives a strong effort in the class, they deserve a passing grade (whether their work was correct or not). At the end of the day though, if searching for a simple â€Å"A†grade in a class, one must be willing to work and study for that class, and complete each assignment with accuracy (easier said than done, of course! ). The source of the problem resides in the earliest years of the school system. Starting from a young age, students are being taught and prepared for the next school year instead of for life.Elementary school students are being prepared for adolescent, meddlesomeness are being prepared for householders, householders for college, etc. Each year of schooling teaches you Just enough to get through the next year. The problem is, though, that by the time the student reaches college he/ she is not ready for life as an adult, only for more school. Meaning that students are going into college with the idea that they need to pass, and not the idea that they need to be prepar ing for their future. Students aren't realizing that what they are learning is essential for their Job until it's too late and they are unable to perform.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Cross Cultural Values and Ethics Essay
The terms high context and low context were first used by Edward Hall and they are used to explain the underlying cultural differences between societies. In high context cultures, a lot of the information is either internalized in an individual or it is in the physical context. This means that in this form of culture nonverbal messages are more important than the verbal messages. In addition, the people in high context cultures share a form of closeness which is due to their shared experiences. Some of the societies with high context communication are Korea, China and Japan. On the other hand, in low context cultures messages that are verbal are usually highly specific in addition to being elaborate. Verbal messages also tend to be very detailed. Some of the societies with low context communication include Switzerland, United States and Germany. There are several differences between high context and low context communications. One of these is that in low context communication messages are best passed by words (verbal) than by nonverbal methods. On the other hand, in high context communication the messages are best passed by nonverbal means than by words. Another difference is that in low context communication the verbal message is direct. On the other hand, in high context communication the verbal message is indirect and communication is effected by talking around a point. Another difference is that high context communication is used in well established relationships especially where people have been relating for long. On the other hand low context communication is used among people who have short durations of contact. 2. Explain how World War II changed women’s labor force participation. World War II changed women’s participation in the workforce. To begin with, at that time most of the women stayed at home and held no paying jobs and this is because this was a preserve of men. However with the World War II men were deployed in the military and this created a shortage of workers especially at a time when workers were desperately needed particularly for production of war equipments. Women who could not previously be employed as culture placed men in the workforce and women at home were able to get jobs. This led to an increase in the number of women who were in the workforce. Another thing is that women who were already in the workforce and who had been holding traditionally female jobs such as clerical jobs were able to switch to high paying jobs which were previously considered a preserve of men. Clearly, the World War II was a blessing in disguise to women. They were able to overcome culture and discover the great potential in them by holding jobs that were traditionally reserved for men. No doubt that this proved to women that they have capability to achieve just like men and it changed the position of women in the workforce. 3. Explain Hofstede’s masculinity-femininity dimension and the behavioral expectations set for each gender. The Hofstede’s dimension of masculinity/femininity focuses on the emphasis the society places on nurture and achievement. According to the dimension, femininity emphasizes sexuality equality, caring and nurturing, and environmental awareness. On the other hand, masculinity emphasizes wealth acquisition, distinct gender roles, and ambition. According to this dimension, there are set behavioral expectations for each gender. The behavioral expectations depend on context. For example when it comes to politics and economics, men are expected to solve conflict through force as well as priotize economic growth. On the other hand, women are supposed to priotize environmental protection and solve conflicts by negotiation. When it comes to social norms, men are supposed to be ego oriented and so they should focus on attaining money and things as these would boost their ego. As for women, they should be relationship oriented and so they should focus on people and quality of life. When it comes to work, men should show preference for higher wages while the women should show preference for less working hours because of their other responsibilities. When it comes to matters of education especially school performance, men are expected to consider failing as a disaster while women should consider failing as a minor accident. On matters of religion, religion should be very important to men while to women religion should not be a very important aspect of life. 4. List and describe the 6 similarities across all religions. As much as there are differences across the different religions in the world, there exists several similarities. One of these is the belief in divinity which is accorded names such as Allah, Krishna, and God. In all religions there is the belief that there is a being that is divine and which is above the man. Another similarity is the belief that it is possible for man to communicate with divinity through actions such as prayers, sacrifices and meditation. Another one of the similarities is the belief that man requires help in order for him to communicate with the divinity and that is why mediators such as prophets, apostles, and holy men are sent by the divinity to men. Another similarity is the use of sacred scriptures which provides sacred wisdom which is transmitted from one generation to the other for propagation of the religious beliefs. The religions believe that the scriptures have a divine origin. Another similarity across religions is the performance of rituals and these are meant to bring man close to divinity. The last similarity lies in speculation where people across all religions, from their birth to their death ask similar questions and are faced by many similar challenges and uncertainties about life. 5. Who are the Mosuo people? How is their way of living different from the United States, explain 3 significant contrasts between both societies. Mosuo people are people who belong to a small ethnic group that lives in the Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China. These people have unique cultural practices which make their way of life very different from that of United States. One of the most significant contrasts is that among the Mosuo people lineage is traced through the female side. This is unlike in United States where people trace their lineages through their father’s side. This means that if one does not know their father but knows their mother they have a belonging and thus cannot face stigmatization. Another contrast lies in the fact that unlike in US where the man is the head of the family, among the Mosuo the woman is the head of a family. The female elder in a family handles the family matters such as assigning of duties and management of money. She has absolute power. This is unheard of in US where men are the head of their families and would not agree to be headed by a woman as it would hurt their ego. Another significant contrast is seen when it comes to marriage. Among the Mosuo people, they have what is called walking marriages. Unlike in US where people marry, live together and bear children which they raise together, among the Mosuo men and women who are in love and are having sexual relations do not live together and any children born out of the relationship belong to the woman’s family.
Reading Food Labels and Calculating Target Body Weight
Accurate body composition test can help her monitor fat loss and muscle maintenance. It can help her better reach her weight loss goals by making sure she goes not lose too much fat or muscle. . Body weight and body composition offers an Indication of potential health risk. She may be of ideal weight, but she can still have a higher percentage of body fat. It Is Important that she monitors her progress so that she doesn't affect her overall health. Part 3: Nutrition Throughout a Life Time 1. The best way to treat gestation diabetes is to modify your diet. Seeking a nutritionist can help you control the carbohydrate intake.Other steps are to have here meals a day with two or three snacks, portion control, and avoid sweet and fruit juice. Also check blood sugar levels. 2. The Increase in protein depends of the Intensity and duration of the exercise, Like climbing Mat. Rammer. She should Increase weight. 3. Prevention is the key to delaying osteoporosis. A healthy diet with lots of frui ts and vegetables enriched with vitamin D and calcium, along with exercise is important. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake is also beneficial to the prevention of osteoporosis.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Public Housing in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Public Housing in USA - Essay Example The paper has shown that since the end of the World War II, it has been argued that the poor have lost access to expensive housing provided by private markets. Almost all the United States presidents have either come up or sponsored projects targeted at enhancing the access of the poor to quality better housing than they do (Howard 1). As Howard explains, there are numerous reasons why the government gets involved in the public, housing sector activities (Howard 2). First, the government believes that the private market cannot offer enough housing to the poor Americans. The government also believes that the private markets offer their housing at a high price which the poor cannot afford. Currently, the United States government action in public housing is the provision of subsidized housing to the poor families so as to replace the buildings that have been demolished through the HOPE IV program. HOPE VI program was developed in the 1990s so as to demolish houses that did not meet the standards according to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and those that fell into crime and disorder (Howard 3). Presidents have either come up or sponsored housing projects to enhance that the poor can have access to quality housing. The issue of house shortage also affects the poor. Reports shows that there is a shortage of houses in the United States and the poor are the most affected. The demand is higher than the supply although there is race discrimination, which is affecting the blacks. This is the reason why the government ought to control public housing. The other issue that should concern the government is some individuals setting lower prices thereby increasing the demand. The government ought to fix the prices to protect the poor who are their mercies. The major Stakeholders in the Subsidized Housing Project for the Poor Families The US government presented HUD as the main stakeholder of the subsidized housing projects. As Johan has written in his article , Housing Subsidies and Homeowners, the United States government’s main interest is to provide affordable housing for the poor families. The government also aims at ending the HOPE VI program. It will then replace the demolished apartments through HOPE VI program, so as to ensure the poor families are not homeless. The other stakeholders in the project are some of the public housing landlords who are supporting the government involvement in matters of public housing for the poor. According to the Guide section 8 Housing Assistance programs of 2008, voucher 8 is given to families who are not able to afford quality housing. Therefore, the United States government funds them through their voucher 8 program. However, it has been argued that it is the landlords who benefit from these funds. Therefore, their main interests in this program are ensuring they continue benefiting from governments funds aimed at improving the housing conditions for the poor. The landlords should be scru tinized to ensure they get what they deserve and avail to the tenants their dues. The
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Semiotics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Semiotics - Essay Example It will lastly conclude on the ways in which the language of the advertisement serves to sell its product and whether or not this accomplishes its goal effectively. Keywords: semiological analysis; rhetoric of image; semiotics in advertising Semiological Analysis of an Advertisement The image under semiological analysis is an advertisement by DKNY for a perfume for women. This paper will analyse the way in which this advertisement uses symbols, visual cues and other coded ‘language’ to sell its product effectively. The theoretical basis for the analysis will be drawn largely from Roland Barthes’s essay ‘Rhetoric of the Image’, appearing in his 1977 book Image Music Text. Following a quick summary of the ideas from Barthes’s essay that are relevant to this paper, we will look closely at the advertisement itself for the different layers of meaning within it. The aim will be to try and identify elements and see whether they correlate to each other and ultimately join to promote the product as saleable or not. There will also be an attempt to locate this advertisement within the larger context of high-fashion advertising and the imagery deployed therein. In his foundational essay, ‘Rhetoric of the Image’ (1977) Barthes proposes that images have a language of their own that signify many layers of meaning to the viewer that may or may not be apparent right away. Barthes advances his idea of the three layers of meaning through which an advertising image, or any image, conveys its message. He calls the first layer of such meaning as the ‘linguistic’ part of the message (p. 33). By this, Barthes refers to the actual text or words present in the advertisement. In his example of the Panzani ad, this would be the French writing at the bottom of the advertisement. The second and third messages contained in an image, according to Barthes, are the ‘coded iconic message’ and a ‘non-coded iconi c message’ (p. 36). The distinction between these two is hard to make and does not happen at first glance. Basically, the first coded message is the ‘connoted’ message of the image while the non-coded message refers to the image as purely ‘denotative.’ The first meaning of the image is derived from the way in which it is presented, its context, the specific audience it targets and so on; while, the second kind of meaning derived from the image is only an act of identifying the object. Applying this style of analysis to the DKNY Advertisement, we find that this too yields itself to different layers of meaning. At the level of the linguistic message, the most prominent text in the ad says: ‘Be Delicious.’ These two words serve firstly, as an injunction, or almost as an order to be desirable that serves to subtly pressurize the audience into feeling inadequate and therefore desirous of buying the product that will make them attractive. They also promote a solution by saying essentially that this product is what one needs to be ‘delicious.’ The text therefore creates the need to be desirable in the audience and simultaneously provides the way in which to fulfil this need. This brings in the ideology and implied narrative of this ad which will be discussed in our conclusion. But the word ‘delicious’ itself also serves a two-fold purpose. On the one hand, it serves the purpose of ‘
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Public Sector has been hit by the economic downturn and have opted to Dissertation
Public Sector has been hit by the economic downturn and have opted to recruit fixed term or temporary posts rather than recruiti - Dissertation Example Temporary employment is becoming common in Europe and the UK also but its impact on firm performance and productivity has not been studied extensively, state Camerman, Cropanzano, and Vandenberghe. The cost to a company does not merely include the wages and the employee benefits. It should also include the recruitment and selection costs, the costs of training and development, and more importantly the employee contribution towards organizational performance. While it is difficult to measure individual employee contribution towards organizational performance, employee commitment and motivation would, to some extent, impact productivity. The increased use of temporary workers by the public sector has given rise to concerns of employee commitment and consequently the indirect costs associated with temporary or fixed-term workers. 1.2 Rationale for research The public sector employers have a positive outlook on temporary workers, the motivation being that it gives them access to specific skill sets (Woods, 2010). Forty four percent of the public sector employers even site this as essential to the success of their organization. A flexible workforce is essential to allow the businesses to grow. The public sector needs a major transformation and this demands a team of talented professionals to manage change. Skills are required in diverse sectors such as project management, budgetary control, procurement, HR outsourcing and transformation. Flexible workforce appears to be the key to a successful organization. Labour market regulation affects labour productivity growth through its impact on worker motivation and effort. If the wages are below the fair wage perception of the workers, the efforts of employees would be reduced. The higher the wage, the higher will be the effort put in by the employees due to higher cost of job loss (Storm & Naastepad, 2007). A study of 20 OECD countries suggests that regulated labour markets promote long-run labour productivity growth bot h in case of temporary and full-time workers. Regulation raises worker commitment and motivation. Several public sector organizations such as Caerphilly County Borough Council, Cardiff Council, RCT, Torfaen and Merthyr Councils have been employing temporary workers. However, not much of research is available on employee motivation among temporary workers in public sector organizations. It is hence difficult to ascertain to what extent these employees provide competitive advantage. Hence, with the aim to ascertain the strategic decision that public sector organizations should take in staffing and human resources, the research questions for the study are: Are employee commitment and motivation among temporary workers directly related to productivity? To what extent employee motivation and commitment of directly employed temporary workers in public sector organizations differ against the permanent workers? Is it more economical to hire temporary workers against permanent employees taki ng into account the benefits that have to be given to permanent workers in such organizations? 1.3 Definition of terms Temporary workers Temporary workers are employees who are not permanently hired but hired just for limited periods of time (Entrepreneur Media, 2011). They work for a specific purpose for a specified period of time. Motivation Motivation according to Hardre (2003) is an internal process that controls and regulates behavior. It has been defined as a
Monday, August 26, 2019
A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics Essay
A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics - Essay Example Moreover, a large number of the discoveries made by these prominent mathematicians have a basis in the medicine, technologies, and science that are currently common place (Hazewinkel 8). All in all, there are some recognized individuals who have made significant contributions to mathematics and their names cannot be disregarded. One of these significant people is Pythagoras. This paper will look at Pythagoras as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of mathematics. Pythagoras made leading contributions to religious and philosophical teachings in the final period of the 6th century BC. Pythagoras is frequently venerated as a great mystic, mathematician, and scientist. Also, he is largely associated with the Pythagorean Theorem which was named after him. Nevertheless, because obfuscation and legend obscure his work even more than that of the other philosophers who existed during the pre-Socratic period, individuals are only compelled to only provide specula tive accounts of his instructions, and a number of people have questioned if made much contribution to natural philosophy and mathematics. It may be argued that a large composition of the achievements credited to Pythagoras may in reality have been achievements of his successors and colleagues. In addition, whether or not his followers believed that everything was connected to mathematics and that numbers were the definitive reality is not known. It has also been asserted that Pythagoras was the first person to refer to himself as a philosopher. A philosopher refers to an individual who loves wisdom. It has also been argued that his notions employed a marked inspiration on Plato, and through him, the entire philosophy in the West. Additionally, Pythagoras was very properly educated (Malone 22). He was also inspired by several philosophers while he was a child. The most significant philosophers who inspired him include Thales and Pherekydes. Thales was the one who introduced him to m athematical concepts. Pythagoras became interested in cosmology, astronomy, and math because of Thales. Pythagoras was fascinated by all concepts of mathematics. Pythagoras was captivated by numbers and the concept of numbers. He developed a theory which asserted that every relation would be decreased to some form of number. In addition, he developed a theory on scales and ratios being created with the reverberation of vibrating strings. His ideas made a tremendous contribution to the music theory. Moreover, Pythagoras researched numerous different forms of numbers, for example, perfect squares, odd numbers, and triangles. He supposed that every number was unique and different and contained its own individual characteristic. For instance, it may be argued that ten is the most suitable number because it has four successive integers, that is, 1+2+3+4=10. However, the most tremendous contribution made by Pythagoras to the field of mathematics in the current period is Pythagoras theorem . Pythagoras has always been given credit for developing the Pythagoras theorem since the 4th century AD. The Pythagoras theorem is a theorem in geometry which explains that in all right-angled triangles the area of the square on the side opposite the right angle is equivalent to the aggregate of the squares of the other two sides. While the Pythagoras theorem was previously known and employed by the Indians and Babylonians, he or his apprentices, are frequently said to have developed the foremost evidence (Hermann 76). Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that the manner in which the Indians and Babylonians dealt with Pythagorean numbers indicates that they were aware that the idea was, in general, valid, and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Rise of fascism and communism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Rise of fascism and communism - Essay Example In many different ways, fascism and communism possessed quite a number of contradicting principles, but at long last they became authoritative political frameworks that were controlled by one person in charge (Merriman, 2010, Pg. 56). Communism was concerned with ensuring that there is equality in the economy, fascism is concerned with the magnificence of the nation and the power that depicted through conquest and violent behavior. Both political systems begun from Europe and gradually but steadily became popular during the early times of the 20th century. The countries that witnessed fascism were: Italy during the reign of Mussolini, Germany under the leadership of Hitler, Hungary between the years 1944 – 1945, Spain under the leadership of Franco and Romania between the year 1940 -1941 under the leadership of the Iron Guard. The start of this century witnessed a different form of the political environment in the nations of the West. The past century, the 19th century, had wi tnessed the industrial uprising substitute farming. This change was accompanied by dynamic changes in political, social, and shifts in the demography. People who were concentrated in rural areas seriously busy with agriculture whereby they grew crops and reared animals changed their lifestyles and migrated to urban centers and towns. In the urban centers, they got employment in the industries and factories. The industrial movement generated a lot of capital and consequently propagated cultural alienation and divisions among community members in regard to wealth. Some of the revolutions aiming at better living standards and improved working environments were witnessed in many countries. Many of these revolutions were initiated by leaders who pursued deep-seated visions on what the community should be (Merriman, John M, 2010, Pg. 45). In the year 1930, when fascism and communism arose in the Western countries, and the spreading out of the empires of Italy and Germany and the extension of the empire of Japan in Asia show the United States of America shift from isolationism policy to support local partners and protect democracy. The United States of America openly got involved in World War 2 immediately after Japan attacked the harbor of Pearl. The fascism of Europe, which started when Germany turned to Hitler who was an extremist, turned to be more powerful in the 1930s under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had the capability and ability to unite the country with a vision of gaining their territories they had lost. Communism had commenced rising during the time of Joseph Stalin when he succeeded the Soviet Communist. In the year 1939, under the governance of Joseph Stalin, the union of Soviet and Germany signed a deal of aggression. From this time, Germany did not fear of fighting. Communism and fascism were portrayed as a system of governance that was posing threats to democracy. Later on, Italy, Germany collaborated with Japan to form an alliance (Merriman, 2010, Pg. 63). Their empire was greatly expanded by the year 1941. Germany had attacked Poland and the same time Italy conquered Sudan, Egypt and the entire North of Africa. Japan succeeded in her conquest and expanded its territory into China. This revolution did not only create threats to democracy but also countries like Holland, United States of America, France and Britain were also threatened. At this particular point, the involvement of the United States
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Brief a case Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Brief a case - Coursework Example The defendant had stipulated that if the component were brought by noon any day, it would be taken to the manufacturer the next day. So the Plaintiff’s clerk took it to the defendant the next day before noon and paid 2 pounds for the services. However, because of the defendant’s negligence, the component delayed before delivery to the manufacturer and the plaintiff received it after several days (Crompton 1). The issue was entitlement of damages to the plaintiff due to loss of profits and what amount of damages he or she would get. The court determined that the plaintiff was eligible for damages for the amount he would have received if the breaching party had performed (Crompton 1). This implies that the plaintiff would only be put back to the position he would have been if the contract was not breached. However, the court held that the defendant would not have known that the delay would cause a long closure of the mill and the loss of profits because there were no special circumstances underpinned on the contract (Crompton
Friday, August 23, 2019
Governance Structure of NCAA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Governance Structure of NCAA - Assignment Example In 1952, the association regulated any live televised coverage (Bleischwitz, 2004). NCAA reorganized itself into three divisions, each representing a different level of competition in various sports. It also collected statistics on football and basketball and publishes guidebooks on these sports such as gymnastics’ swimming as well as others. More than 800 educational institutions became members in the late 20th century. In order to have a more fluid governance structure, NCAA needs to practice effective communication among the members to have a strong governance structure. This is where the members have monthly meetings to evaluate if they are working in line with their vision and mission. Moreover, NCAA needs to provide state of the art facilities, which get maintenance where the athletes can practice. There should be an effective and timely succession planning of the athletes. This is because the athletes need to train for the upcoming and new athletes. The NCAA should employ qualified members and positions given to the right people. In addition, the NCAA should have proper guidelines and regulations on the expectations of all the members and athletes. In addition, proper disciplinary actions for those violating the rules need implementation (Faghfouri, 2013). Lastly, rewarding and training the athletes who perform well is also crucial, as the athletes feel appreciated. In addition, the athletes need to receive training on how they may use their funds when they have won. This is because most of the athletes misappropriate the money. Some of the market strategies that NCAA should be involved in include the following. The NCAA should create branded online destinations to surround interested members or new athletes with online experiences. The NCAA should use the social media platform to create talk ability of the Association.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Examining the effects of foreign workers' performance on the quality Literature review
Examining the effects of foreign workers' performance on the quality of service in Singapore - Literature review Example It is also important to understand one’s supervisor’s expectations’ and the performance review process that will be used to determine the quality of work done (Wee, 2001, 55). It is important to discuss with one’s supervisors issues that affect your work performance and things that can be done to help improve work performance. Fong and Lim (2002, 572) describes performance as an individual level variable meaning that performance in work should be something that a single individual does. Fong and Lim (2002, 67) define performance as behaviour consisting of more than what is observable in an individual, it also includes the mental productions of an individual and this differentiates performance with success. Chowdhury (2003, 18) explains in a way that performance being behaviour leads to success but there is more than behaviour that leads to success, for success to be there influence of other individual must be involved. Chowdhury (2003, 21) also stated that goal relevant is one of the key features of job performance. This is because performance should be related to goals of an organization. Campbell (2009) came up with certain factor models of performance. This is because performance is not single unified because the different kinds of jobs available have different performance standards. These factors include task specified behaviours which is the behaviours that individuals adopts due to the job they are doing. There is also the non-task specific behaviours which are behaviours undertaken by individuals but not particularly related to their job (Huff, 1999, 238-9). The third factor is communication both written and oral which is involved on how the message is delivered. Performance of an individual assessment according to Campbell (2004) is effort which shows the commitment of people to their job. The fifth factor is personal discipline; people are expected to obey the law. The other model says that individuals are expected to help o ut their colleagues to help maintain group goals. Supervisory or leadership component is the other factor and the last factor according to Campbell (2004, 112) is managerial which involves the sectors of one’s job that does not require supervision. Ayubi (2001, 66) also had his model on work performance. Performance according to Ayubi is broken into four dimensions and the first is the task oriented behaviours which just like in Campbell’s model involve the tasks that are relevant to one’s job. The other dimension is interpersonally oriented behaviours which is the interaction between an individual and the other employees. The third dimension is down- time behaviours which are an individual’s behaviours during their free time and the last dimension is destructive behaviours. Measures of Work Performance There are three major classes of workers’ productivity. The first one is production counts which aim at measuring what every individual in an organ ization produces. The individual with the highest is declared the most productive worker. There are however certain difficulties with the method and one are that this method can lead to changing behaviours of workers (ERC, 2003). The other difficulty is that the method is not very effective
Gun Control Argumentative Essay Example for Free
Gun Control Argumentative Essay I stumbled over an argumentative article that at first, I did not understand completely. After doing a little research over the topic the author was discussing I quickly connected to his concern for her current children, as well as other children nationwide. What I learnt during my research is about the â€Å"Common Core Standards†that hundreds of thousands of schools follow and teach each year. She set her tone early in the paper so the reader could get an emotional stance on her position. Most common to side with the â€Å"non-common core standard†group is the mothers and fathers of children that are enrolled in many different schools. Whether it’s public or private, and religious or non-religious; each following one of the two choices they have. They can teach the Common Core Standards, or have a choice of what they believe each child will be able to keep up with. Each and every child is different, none are exactly the same. In saying that there is no possible way that the common core is an effective and well established standard for schools to follow. What one child can grasp easily and quickly may take another child longer and need another method of learning and studying in order to be as well knowledgeable as the first student. Others believe that the Common Core Standards are needed for schools to teach ids what they will need to be successful in their future. They see each child as someone that can study and try harder if they are not caught up with the other children, for they are all alike in their learning ways and don’t need special care when learning complicated material. As I see it, when they see a child that struggles in school should try harder or else they will fail, and that’s the end of it. No help to the struggling student or help towards the student that they should want to succeed and thrive in their future. She starts her opinion with a real-life experience that many can relate to. Whether its parents or grandparents they have tried their hardest to give their children what they thought was best. She tells us about how she has sent her 2 daughters through many schools, that have failed to provide her daughters with the education she believed was right. They (the school) believed that every student was able to learn and act upon that learning in the same ways. She searched and searched through religious schools, private schools, and public schools; until she found one that believed in the power of the student. They moved from the east coast to Colorado where her daughters were enrolled in a school that allowed the girls to escape the corrupted, dumbed-down curriculum of an overpriced private girls school. She uses some examples of mothers that have started home-schooling their children for the sole purpose to get away from the Common core standard, they believe that they will be able to teach their children better than any teacher or school can because they can teach at the pace of the child. Therefore, the children learn in a way that is better for them and will expand the knowledge that they gain throughout their school years. She uses quotes from a mother that is also in her shoes to prove to people that this is a concern that has spread throughout our nation and is making parent take action to change the problem our children face every day Michelle states that â€Å"We were blessed to find a community of parents and public school educators in Colorado Springs who embrace high standards, academic excellence and strong character education for students of every race, creed and class,†she uses words and examples that are easy to understand and comprehend to even the simplest o f minds. All in all Michelle used real-life situations that weren’t only easy to relate to, but also to show her point of view easily and clearly. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone were to respond to the message Michelle is sending to us. Teachers would base their lesson plans on each individual student, pushing for that student to thrive in their studies and achieve what they know they can do. To plan studies that would work best with the students learning abilities. The school would look at the student as an individual, not as the whole student body as the same person. They would stray from thinking that no one is different from another on their learning abilities. Race, ethnicity and social status would not play a part in the education or outcome of each student’s achievements within the school. If no one pays attention to the message Michelle is sending to schools, teachers, and parents around our country; nothing will change. The education of our children, grandchildren, and great great grandchildren will struggle to learn the material our government thinks they need to know, and learn how they think every student can learn. Our government controls many aspects of our live and environment, why let they control the way we learn and what we learn. They don’t know each individual personally, they have no knowledge on our learning abilities and the struggles we will face with learning certain material throughout our school years. Our educational departments in our nation will only decrease throughout the year if nothing is changed about our educational aspects in children’s lives. Michele did an excellent job on drawing the reader in with a personal story, kudos on the ethos. She wanted people to feel the pain her and her daughters felt throughout their years in school. Struggling with the materials because their teachers neglected to teach in a way that would be more suitable to their learning abilities, which would lead to higher test scores and higher colleges. Her tone, I believe, was perfectly out into this paper. Not to forward to the reader but was easily established in the paper so the reader could identify which side you were defending and the points you would be making throughout the paper. I think that her personal experiences, knowledge, and research are what made her opinion convincing. Knowing that she knew what she was talking about and could answer questions on this topic if need be was very reassuring that she knew her topic well enough to write an opinionated paper in a way to sway even the toughest cookie to her side.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Renewable Energy Environmental Sciences Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Renewable Energy Environmental Sciences Essay This work will represent opinions and thoughts of different scientists, sociologists and politics related to the most discussing topic now days, renewable sources of energy. Lets go back in time hundred thousand years ago when our yet not developed ancestors noticed that fire can be used in many purposes. It was the first energy source. Fossil fuels are the main representative of non-renewable energy group and wind, water, solar power is renewable group, because they are unlimited and can be easily recycled. Major concern in the world is that fossil fuel usage produce dramatically huge emission. President of the United States claimed in his speech to United Nations that Were investing billions to capture carbon pollution so that we can clean up our coal plants(President Obama, 2010). Many debates have occurred since people started to think about future and became threatened that fossil fuels can just go out of stock one day, more over such things as wind miles, solar power panels wer e represented to the world, so the solution is already exist for problem of pollution and destroying environment due to the incredible industrial consumption of energy. However economical question has arisen. This type of technologies is very expensive now, but on other hand the price on them would never be reduced without using it. At present days it is possible to see how this usage of these technologies started to accelerate. Many people and different companies started to apply green energy technologies in their life. For example here in Dubai 80% of the water heated ether by natural sun light, heating the tank on the roof or again by the power of sun light but now, recycled in to the pure electric energy using solar power panels installed on the top of the roof. Consequence of this is that emission made to the air is reduced, in addition once this panel is installed company or person can save money because it has its own resource of hot water. However there is a bad side of any good. Wind mile is dependent on wind and solar power is dependent on sun. Yet it is decidable question which can easily be solved by accumulating energy in battery packs in case of emergency, or transferring energy from sunny and windy regions to others. How sad president of Russia Medvedev: The environment and the economy do not contradict each other. A properly functioning economy is an environmentally friendly economy. (President Medvedev, 2010) WIND POWER The most important characteristic that determines the energy value of wind it is speed. Due to a number of meteorological factors (disturbance of the atmosphere, changes in solar activity, the amount of heat energy reaching the Earth, and other causes) and also due to the influence of relief conditions continuous duration of the wind in the area, its speed and direction vary randomly. Therefore, the power that can produce wind-setting at different times, one can predict with a very low probability. At the same time, the total production of the unit, especially over a long period of time can be calculated with high accuracy, since the average wind speed and frequency of the velocity distribution within a year or season change little. Airflow, as well as any moving body, has the energy of motion, or the reserve of kinetic energy. The latter with wind turbine or other working body is transformed into mechanical energy. Depending on the purpose of wind turbine mechanical energy by means of actuators (generators, compressors, electrolytic, etc.) can be converted into electricity, heat or mechanical energy, as well as the energy of compressed air. The principle of wind power is simple: the wind turns the blades of a windmill, driving the shaft generator. The generator in turn produces electrical energy. It turns out that wind power work, how toy cars on batteries, only the principle of their action is opposite. Instead of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, wind energy is converted into electrical current. SOLAR POWER Solar energy the use of sunlight to generate energy in any form. Solar power uses a renewable source of energy and the potential to become environmentally friendly that is not generating hazardous waste. The advantages of using solar energy: 1) Accessibility and inexhaustible source (the sun). 2) Theoretically, the complete security to the environment (but currently in production of solar cells and in themselves harmful substances are used). Now solar energy is widely used in cases where the inaccessibility of other energy sources combined with an abundance of solar radiation justifies its cost. Sun. Source of life and hard killer, giving the chance to be born and grow up every living organism on Earth for several billion years. Seriously about technology taming of sunlight people began to think only in the last century. Currently, solar power plants are built mainly of two types: Solar power tower and solar power distributed (modular) type. In the solar power tower central receiver used with a field of heliostats, provides a degree of concentration in a few thousand. System for tracking the sun is much more complicated since it requires rotation around two axes. The system is controlled by the computer. As a working body in the heat engine is commonly used steam temperatures up to 550  ° C, air and other gases up to 1000  ° C, low-boiling organic liquids (including freon) up to 100  ° C, liquid metal coolant up to 800  ° C. DISADVANTAGES OF RENEWABLE ENERGY Solar power: Because of the relatively small magnitude of solar constant for solar energy requires the use of large areas of land for power plants (for example, 1-GW power plants it could be several tens of square kilometers). However, this drawback is not so great (for example, hydropower output from the use of much larger tracts of land). In addition, photovoltaic cells on the large solar power plants installed at a height of 1,8-2,5 m, which allows the use of land for power plants for agricultural purposes, such as for grazing. The problem of finding large areas of land for solar power is solved in the case of the solar balloon stations, suitable for both terrestrial and maritime and for high-rise home. The flow of solar energy on Earths surface is strongly dependent on latitude and climate. In various places the average number of sunny days per year can vary greatly. Technical problems: 1) Solar power does not work at night and not effectively work in the morning and evening twilight. The peak power consumption falls on the evening. In addition, power plants can dramatically and unexpectedly fluctuate because of changing weather. 2) The high cost of solar cells. Probably with the development of technology will overcome this shortcoming. In 1990-2005 prices for solar cells decreased on average by 4% a year. 3) Lack of efficiency of solar cells. 4) The surface of the graphic panels should be cleaned from dust and other contaminants. With their area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹several square kilometers of it can cause difficulties. 5) The efficiency of photovoltaic cells decreases significantly when heated, so there is a need to install cooling systems, usually water. 6) After 30 years of operation, the efficiency of photovoltaic cells begins to decline. Wind power: Wind energy plants produce two types of noise: Mechanical noise noise from the operation of mechanical and electrical components (for modern wind power is virtually absent, but is significant in the older models of wind turbines) Aerodynamic noise the noise from the interaction of wind flow with the blades installed (amplified during the passage of blades past the tower of wind turbines) In the vicinity of wind turbines in the axis of wind turbine noise level are sufficiently large wind turbines can exceed 100 dB. An example of such design errors is a wind turbine Grovian. Because of the high noise level setting worked about 100 hours and was dismantled. Laws adopted in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark, restrict the noise level of running wind power plant of up to 45 dB in daytime and 35 dB at night. Minimum distance from installation to homes 300 m. Low frequency vibrations transmitted through the soil, causing significant jitter windows in homes at a distance of 60 m from the megawatt-class wind turbines. Population of bats living near the wind farm on the order of magnitude more vulnerable than the population of birds. Near the ends of turbine blades, a region of reduced pressure, and a mammal which has got into it, gets barotraumas. Over 90% of the bats found near wind turbines find signs of internal hemorrhaging. According to the explanation of scientists, the birds have a different structure of the lungs, and therefore more resistant to sudden changes in pressure and suffer only from a direct collision with the blades of wind turbines. In contrast to conventional thermal power plants, wind farms do not use water that can significantly reduce pressure on water resources. Metallic structures wind turbines, especially items in the lobes, can cause significant interference to radio reception. The larger the wind turbine, the more noise it can create. In some cases, to solve the problem have to install additional repeaters. CONCLUSION Undeniable role of energy in maintaining and further follows the development of civilization. In modern society it is difficult to find at least one area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹human activity sequence, which is not required to directly or indirectly tively more energy than it can give a human muscles. During the existence of our civilization many times a change of traditional energy sources for new, more sophisticated. And not because the old source was exhausted. The sun shone and warmed man always: and yet once people have tamed the fire began to burn wood. Then the wood has given way to the stone coal. Timber resources seemed limitless, but steam engines required more nutritious food. But this was just a stage. Coal will soon yield its leadership in energy markets petroleum. And here is a new milestone in our days leading fuels are still oil and gas. But for every new cubic meters of gas or a ton of oil to go farther north or east, dig deeper into the ground. It is no wonder that oil and gas will be from year to year cost us all more expensive. In pursuit of an excess of energy a person deeper into elemental world of natural phenomena and to some pores are not really thought about the consequences of their deeds and acts. But times have changed. Now new significant step the earths energy. There was energy, gentle. Constructed so that people do not cut down the branch on which it sits. Concerned about the protection of already heavily damaged biosphere. Undoubtedly, in future, in parallel with a line of intensive energy development will have extensive rights of citizenship and an extensive line of: non-point sources of energy are not too much power, but with high efficiency, environmentally friendly, easy to handle. Energy accumulates very quickly, assimilates and incorporates all the newest ideas, inventions and scientific achievements. This is understandable: energy is associated with literally everything, and all drawn to power, depends on it. Labyrinths of power. Mysterious passages, narrow, winding trail. Full of puzzles, obstacles, unexpected insights, wailing grief and losses, joys and triumphs of clicks. Thorny, is not easy, continuous energy path of humanity. But we believe that we are on the way to an era of energy abundance, and that all the hurdles, obstacles and difficulties will be overcome. The story of energy may be infinite, innumerable alternative forms of its use, provided that we have to develop that are effective and economical methods. Not so important, what is your opinion about the needs of energy, sources of energy, its quality, and cost? We probably should just accept the fact that the scientist said the sage, whose name remains unknown: There are no simple solutions, only intelligent choices.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Auteur Analysis Of Tyler Perry Film Studies Essay
Auteur Analysis Of Tyler Perry Film Studies Essay Tyler Perry, a 42 year old self proclaimed writer actor and director to the urban circuit has single handedly changed the direction of mass media in general. My gearing more to a specific audience that main stream holly wood has not quite caught up with .I will discuss the themes Mr. Perry is drawn to along with his signature style and similarities between three different films that he has written and produced. The films I will use for reference will be as follows The family that preys I can do bad all by myself and For colored girls. All films deal with black and white women alike in struggle of some sort. The signature style of this director would best be described as black feminism but also empowerment. The definition of black feminism is the rejected idea of a single unified gender oppression that is experienced evenly by all women but rather is dictated by the color of your skin .Also the empowerment aspect is very bold in his movies because usually by the end of these films his main character is better because of the journey she has taken. I can do bad all by myself is a film that deals with three sibling whos alcoholic aunt Amy refuses to take care of them but has no choice since her mother has since passed away. Aunt Amy is living off of her married boyfriend and works nights in a local club singing well known songs. Tyler Perry often draw music into most of his films but specifically music of African American culture such as RB , black church spirituals and rarely rap music. Both of the other two movies I have noted have RB music as well as dramatic scores included this is definitely a signature style of Perry. Also most of the elements placed in front of the camera are simple or modest. Most character are easily relatable and down to earth. The film For colored girls directly relates to the previous motion picture I have mentioned, because it to deals with black females playing the leading roles all with varying levels of issues. The first main character Juanita is so in love that she allows herself to be hurt by a man who continues to love and her and leave her. The second main character crystal and her children are being abused by her post traumatic stress disordered boyfriend who she refuses to marry but is scared to leave behind. A young girl who becomes unexpectedly impregnated and a woman who is raped by a man she allows to take her out dinner with. Another way this corresponds to the above mentioned work is because the element of flash back is used in both films. In this movie flash back is used when the young girl is becomes pregnant reminisces about the illegal abortionist she has gone to see to end that childs life. In I can do bad all by myself Amy the immature aunt has a flash back of what it must have been like when her mother passed away. Supposedly of a brain aneurism on the local metro bus. Another similar between the two movies are the themes which are both drama. the family that preys is a film about yet another women of color who is semmingly successful but has a dark secret. The secret being the infedility to her husband a construction worker who dreams of opening his own business but her affair is not with just anyone but with her boss who is also her husband boss and she works with in the firm he works as a construction worker building new business platforms. Again we find a woman who is in a troubled position and does not know exactly what to do to get out of it, but is better for journey. A recurring aspect to all three films would have to be Tylers use of available lighting in I can do bad all by myself the sun rises on the morning of the day that Amy opens the door to find that her niece and two nephews have been stealing and caught by the lovable character Madea who Tyler Perry plays him self as we know he is an actor also. The family that preys uses available light in most if not all scenes one in particular as charlotte and Alice t ake a road trip and stop in a quaint town for ice cream just to enjoy the surrounding views. Finally For colored girls captures the use of lighting by using a lot of windows with in Jos office and aides an aspect of dominance because she has the quintessential corner office with a view . Drama is great theme to use because it usually draws the movie goers in with an assortment of twist and turns that the characters go through. Also it is one of the most relatable characteristics to life as people live it. Who can honestly say they have never been lied to, hurt or deceived? Although Tyler Perry is often met with criticism and praise he continues to produce films on topics dealing with comedy and or drama. Criticisms because he is assumed to only use stereotypical topics within the black community such as rape violence alcoholism lack of money or success and infidelity. Praised because he has single employed more black actors since 2005 than any other black cinematographer to date .but are these topics and storylines really racially motivated? Would they be any less valid if only white people played these roles? Perrys childhood was not that of a perfect one he once attempted suicide to escape is fathers beatings .At age 16 he had his name legally changed for Emmitt to Tyler to distance himself from his fathers. After production of the film Precious was finished Tyler reviewed the movie and was then compelled to tell his story, having been molested as a child by his friends mother at he age of ten and by three other men previous to this . I believe this is the reason Tyler chooses the subject matter that he portrays in his movies because he has first hand been the one to live it in some various scenes an example would be in the movie I can do bad all by myself Amys boyfriend who is actually married to another person engages in inappropriate behavior with her niece by secretly hitting on her. Overall Tyler Perrys signature style is that of a realist. Real people with real issues that find there ways through life. He deals with adult subject matter that sometimes includes comedy that can sometimes entertain young adults or teenagers. All three movies have countless similarities but I hope that have named enough to suffice. Although Perry receives a lot of criticism for his movies I for one respect him for having a idea and creating a plat form to express it .What better than the realm of cinema which is completely of your own expression and ideas but together not with one picture but many and if a picture is worth a thousand words then Tyler Perrys films are worth a million.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Healthy Forest Initiative: Is it really healthy? :: essays research papers
As people of the twenty-first century, we are all too familiar with the frequent occurrence of wildfires in our nation’s forests. Each year millions of acres of woodlands are destroyed in brutal scorches. It has been estimated that 190 million acres of rangelands in the United States are highly susceptible to catastrophic fires ( About a third of these high-risk forests are located in California ( These uncontrollable blazes not only consume our beautiful forests but also the wildlife, our homes and often the lives of those who fight the wildfires. The frequency of these devastating fires has been increasing over the years. In fact, in the years 2000 and 2002, it has been reported that the United States has faced its worst two years in fifty years for mass destruction fires ( The increased natural fuels buildup coupled with droughts have been a prevailing factor in contributing to our wildfires and unhealthy forests ( Due to the severity of these wildfires, several regulations and guidelines have been implemented to save our forests. In fact, the President himself has devised a plan in order to restore our forests and prevent further destruction of our woodlands.      In August 2002, President Bush launched his revolutionary campaign against wildfires known as the Healthy Forest Initiative (HFI). The President’s dynamic plan centers on preventing massive forest fires by thinning the dense undergrowth and brush commonly seen in our national forests. The thinning will occur in priority areas that are in close proximity to homes and watersheds. The Healthy Forest Initiative also aims at developing a more efficient response method to disease and insect infestations that sabotage our forests. Finally, if fully enacted, the Healthy Forest Initiative would provide the loggers with what is known as â€Å"goods for services†. This will compensate the loggers for the financial burden that will surface as a result of this aggressive thinning (http://www.sierraclub. org/forests /fires/healthyforests initiative.asp). In order to promote the progress of his Healthy Forest Initiative, in 2003 President Bush announced the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. This act took the main issues discussed in the Healthy Forest Initiative a step further. Bush plans to make a collaborative effort with federal, state, tribal, and local officials to protect our woodlands against future infernos. The act also calls for more public participation in reviewing any actions taken in lieu of the Healthy Forest Initiative. Furthermore, Bush wants to restore the land that has already been destroyed by wildfires and help to recover the threatened and endangered species that were affected by the fires (http://www.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Impact of Performance Enhancing Drugs on Sports Essay -- Steroids
The Impact of Performance Enhancing Drugs on Sports One of the major issues in the news recently has been the use of performance enhancing substances in sports. This topic has been the subject of many front-page headlines in many publications, from sports magazines to newspapers. A recent scandal involving a San Francisco Bay Area laboratory, BALCO Laboratories, has brought this issue to the forefront, and it's really gotten a lot of attention because this case has led to a 42 count federal indictment by the U.S. Attorney General.[1] Another question can be asked as well: Should these performance-enhancing substances be allowed in sports? First of all, what exactly are performance-enhancing substances? They are just what they are called: substances that are used for enhancing performance. The use of these substances is of particular concern to agencies that govern sports, especially amateur sports. Some examples of performance enhancers that are used are anabolic steroids, stimulants, diuretics, and other alternatives. Steroids are chemicals that are typically produced by the human body as a way to regulate various bodily functions. Anabolic versions are used to increase muscle mass and endurance.[2] Unfortunately, steroid and drug use in sports is nothing new. Until 2003, the most famous case of steroid use probably occurred at the 1988 Olympic Games. Some of you may remember the 100-meter race between U.S. athlete Carl Lewis and Canadian athlete Ben Johnson. After the race had been run, with Johnson emerging as the winner, a drug test was taken by Johnson and it came out positive for steroids, meaning that he would have to forfeit his gold medal.[3] Another famous, and more recent, example occurred in 1... ...Chemist, 2003, ESPN 29 Feb 2004, [11] Ashley 22. [12] ?U.S.: Drug Ring Aided Top Jocks,? San Francisco Chronicle 13 Feb 2004:A1 [13] ?Drugs Involved In BALCO Case,? San Francisco Chronicle 13 Feb 2004:A23. Both drugs named here are covered by this endnote. [14] ?Drugs Involved In BALCO Case,? San Francisco Chronicle 13 Feb 2004:A23. [15] United States Anti-Doping Agency. Guide to Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods of Doping. 2004. [16] Rachels, John. ?The Elements of Moral Philosophy.? p. 92 [17] Rachels 108. [18] Kowalski 13. [19] Rachels 202. [20] Rachels 121. Also see Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant, 1875. [21] Rachels 173-4. [22] Rachels 174. [23] Schnirring 16. [24] Schnirring 16.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Modernity Era
When I think of modernity I think of change. Modernity is the act of how and why things progress, move forth and new ideas emerge throughout history. It is also the effect of these changes. Such changes can be seen from about 1400 to now. It is these changes that have occurred that allow us to live in a post modern society. Modernity is the act of change throughout history. Religion is constantly changing. This force unifies and separates people. Changes in religion occur for many reasons. Some may see any particular aspect of their religion overlooked and set out to tell people why we should reexamine our beliefs and change the method in which we worship. Martin Luther was on person who had seen how his method of worship should change. Ultimately he established a new form of Christian religion called Lutheranism. This movement and movements similar to his has changed the way some will worship for centuries. Of all the things that bring about new ideas and change discovery has to be perhaps the most influential to change. There are two ways in which discovery is accomplished one is to search for something new and the other is to make findings purely be accident. Both methods of discovery often happen through observation. The finding of Charles Darwin and his observation of finches is one of the most influential and controversial discoveries of our time. If not for his observations science and religion would be very different than they are today. If discovery leads to change then education must as well. Once education was only for the rich and powerful. But as education spread man has changed. Education has helped lead man to towards more knowledge changing how society and the individual thinks, acts, and socializes. This knowledge has allowed man to recreate him/her-self, it has given man the ability to logically act on choice and decide what is write or wrong. Many have said that education is the key. Believe this because imagine how many doors would still be locked without it. Becoming a global civilization is also an important part of our society. This has often been a goal of main stream culture throughout most of history. Through trade we have succeeded. International trade has allowed the world to communicate with each other. It also gives all countries around the world an standard idea of many cultures, who they are, how to interact with these cultures, the value of many resources and product. It also allows us to share ideas, learn, and make friends and unfortunately make enemies with other cultures. Technology has also changed our way and standards of living. It has changed how we live in the world that it has made. First from an agricultural society to an industrial society. What had come from industry is specialization and the standard work day. No longer were farmers the majority of the workers Many didn't work from morning to night, instead getting paid for what they produced people got paid for how long they worked. With this new technology there were such creations as the television, weapons of mass destruction, and eventually the computer. Now we have come from a society that produces things to a society that produces thoughts. Through technology of life styles have changed and will continue to change. Modernity is the process of change through out history. It how and why we as a society change. It is also how and why things progress, discovery effects us, and new ideas are born throughout history. Modernity is why we are effected by these changes. It is also these changes through out history that allow us to live in a post modern society. Modernity is the process and act of change through out history.
Facebook Addiction Disorder
Article 1 Title : Online Social Networking and Addiction Writer(s) : Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source : www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph Social Networking Sites (SNS) or in this case Facebook has been causing serious addiction amongst individuals these days. This situation is no longer seen as an addiction but as a serious mental health issue. People these days spend majority of their time online by surfing Facebook in their virtual community. Psychologists describe this scenario as ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ (FAD).This disorder is seen as an addiction because the individual who is said to be addicted to Facebook actually confronts similar criteria as other addictive activities. One is said to be having FAD due to the increase in time spent on Facebook. Besides that, FAD also increases individualistic culture among its users. Moreover, egocentrism is another factor that contributes to this problem since it may induce addictive characteristics within the particu lar individual. This is mainly down to attraction which is the key factor to Facebook Addiction Disorder.Furthermore, like any other addiction, this issue has its symptoms as well. The author has addressed several symptoms that can be used to classify a person as a Facebook addict. Negligence of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behavior are among the symptoms that can be seen in a Facebook addict. These symptoms are detrimental to one’s mental health and well being because the person spends too much of time and energy in a virtual world.The effects of Facebook addiction or behavioral-related addiction and substance-related addiction is suggested to be the same as both have negative consequences on the addict as time goes by. (259 words) Article 2 Title : Facebook Addiction Disorder – The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer : Amy Summers Source : www. socialtimes. com This article touches on the issue of Facebook Addiction Disorder, amongst teenagers and its effect on their surroundings. This occurrence is the latest obsession and a virtual object of craze amongst teenagers.This is mainly due to Facebook being the current big thing everywhere that even family members of the teenagers till educated professionals are going mad over the social networking site. These teenagers tend to go overboard when they participate in this phenomenon as it is a trend that is considered uber- cool and they become obsessive about it. â€Å"Facebook Addiction Disorder†(FAD) is a condition which is defined by hours spent on Facebook by a person. The time spent is said to be affecting the balance of an individual’s life.There are six key symptoms mentioned by the author for this disorder. Firstly, a person with FAD will be spending so much time on the site which leads to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction. Besides, reducing normal social or recreational ac tivities, they will also plan virtual dates as instead of meeting their partner somewhere, they will ask their partner to be online at a certain time. Other than that, the friends list of an addict will mostly have strangers rather than the ones they know in real life.Finally, the sign of complete addiction is when they introduce themselves to someone and promise to see them on Facebook. Parents who try to help their children out of this problem, turn out to be more addicted than their teenage kids. (257 words) REFLECTION Facebook. Something that started off within the walls of Harvard University in 2004 has been ruling the world for the past half decade. Newborn babies to near death grannies and even animals these days have a profile on this social networking site. This site has been so major that these days the first word that type into the World Wide Web is Facebook. 45 million users in just 8 years is a quite a record for any social networking site in the world. It has been so h yped up that to have a Facebook profile has become a basic need for certain group of people. A tool that is supposed to be used prudently has been used extensively by some individuals so much so that they have become addicted to it. In fact, psychologists in the United States of America came up with the term ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ (FAD) back in 2009 as they predicted this syndrome will take the world faster than it took for the site to become global.Well, their prediction has become true. This condition is considered to a serious mental illness these days, even worse since it’s caused by addiction that could be compared to the likes of drugs and cigarettes. Who would’ve thought that a social networking site could spell so much trouble? Based on the two articles, the key point to this disorder is due to the amount of time spent on this site. People tend to spend too much time on this site than actually do something about their lives.Those days when a working man gets his off day, he would be either having a good sleep or spend some quality time with his family, but nowadays the working man would rather spend his off day by enduring a sleepless night just to spend his time on Facebook. This sounds totally ridiculous. In the context of students, they would be glad to chat with their friends online, upload pictures and update their status but they would not bother to even flip through their textbooks or homeworks given by the teacher. This proves that Facebook is affecting people regardless of age limit.The amount of time spent on Facebook shows the level of addiction of the person to the site. Thus, the hypothesis would be that, the more the time taken to use Facebook, the higher the addiction level. A person who is possessed with this global demon is also very dangerous as it may make you oblivious to your surroundings. Facebook addicts do not care about what’s happening around them. However, they would ‘likeâ€℠¢ a certain post about Earth Hour during the hour when all electric appliances should be shut down.This shows how a person can be an environmentalist in the virtual world, but a person with no social awareness in reality. This means that Facebook addicts have another problem, Multiple Personality Disorder because they have two avatars, each in two different worlds, Facebook and reality. This disorder also causes people to be very aggressive. They would be very sad if a friend did not respond to their request to be friends on Facebook. Some of them would even compete with each other to increase their list of friends.This situation could not be considered as something that tickles our funny bones, but it is something that should be thought rationally and seriously since the issue is getting worse day to day. What is the point of adding a thousand people into your profile and chat with them happily online, when you turn your back towards them in reality? Besides that, the majority of g roup that is most affected by this phenomenon are teenagers. Being born in this era of online madness is not a sin, but they are being led into fake world that is given a fancy name of globalization!They think that being on Facebook is the coolest thing to do as a teenager. What a misconception? Students these days do not prefer face to face interaction where as they prefer to virtual communication. Do not be surprised if in the future two people, who won’t even smile at each other, could be best friends on Facebook. If the number of Facebook addicts increase continuously, sooner or later we would be witnessing the growth of an unhealthy generation of youth with no social skills because all this while they never knew how to make friends, socialize or even take part in recreational activities.The major factor to this crisis is because their conceptualization of social life is Facebook. This so called social networking site also happens to social crime networking site lately. O n 18th April 2012, in Pune, India, a 16 year old girl was kidnapped by her Facebook friend whom she had known through the website. After kidnapping her, the accused initially demanded a ransom of Rs 100,000 from her mother. But later fearing police action, he got the girl admitted to a private hospital telling the hospital authorities that he found her ‘wandering' on the road after she was thrown out of a van by some people.What could have happened to the girl if the kidnapper was a psychopath? The consequence would have been unfathomable. This is what happens to certain Facebook addicts who reveal too much of details online. What is the worth of an individual who is deemed as a very private person in reality, where as in the virtual world they reveal everything to everyone? In the working world, those days’ workers were scolded by their employers for talking during their work time; nowadays they are sacked for using Facebook at work.In certain scenarios, the employees are sacked because they update their Facebook status at work, capture pictures while working and also to have the guts to upload it at work. Where is the discipline of the working world going? Why are they being so irresponsible? In a book titled ‘Facebook Addiction’, the author who is an addict himself says that once when he was trying to pack up his laptop, a client called and asked him to work on a website. The moment he opened the internet browser, the first thing he did was, type in â€Å"www. acebook. com†and logged in, he promised to himself to spend only five minutes, he couldn’t resist himself and spent eight hours on the website. On top of that, in terms of relationships, Facebook addicts do not have a proper life there either; there have been reported cases in America, of young married couples who file for divorce. In a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), researchers found that Facebook was mentioned in 1 out of every 5 divorces in the United States.Some of the cases were due to lack communication between couples because one of the partners was always busy updating his Facebook status rather than actually communicating with his wife. Before marriage, messaging through the site could be fun or romantic, however post marital relationship requires commitment and real communication. These cases have proved that Facebook Addiction Disorder has been the major cause of many serious problems from school to the confinements of our home. If this scenario continues, this disorder could get into the line along serious mental illnesses.We as educators will be facing great dilemmas as the students would be more passive socially in reality, to overcome it we have to teach them in a condition where there is no active interaction between teacher and a student. However, if we stand with our hands folded, one day we might see the portrait of our society in the obituary column in the newspapers. APPENDIX A rticle 1 Title : Online Social Networking and Addiction Writer(s) : Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source : www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph â€Å"I’m an addict.I just get lost in Facebook†replies a young mother when asked why she does not see herself able to help her daughter with her homework. Instead of supporting her child, she spends her time chatting and browsing the social networking site . This case, while extreme, is suggestive of a potential new mental health problem that emerges as Internet social networks proliferate. Newspaper stories have also reported similar cases, suggesting that the popular press was early to discern the potentially addictive qualities of social networking sites.Such media coverage has alleged that women are at greater risk than men for developing addictions to SNSs . The mass appeal of social networks on the Internet could potentially be a cause for concern, particularly when attending to the gradually increasing amounts of time p eople spend online . On the Internet, people engage in a variety of activities some of which may be potentially to be addictive. Rather than becoming addicted to the medium per se, some users may develop an addiction to specific activities they carry out online.Specifically, Young argues that there are five different types of internet addiction, namely computer addiction (i. e. , computer game addiction), information overload (i. e. , web surfing addiction), net compulsions (i. e. , online gambling or online shopping addiction), cybersexual addiction (i. e. , online pornography or online sex addiction), and cyber-relationship addiction (i. e. , an addiction to online relationships). SNS addiction appears to fall in the last category since the purpose and main motivation to use SNSs is to establish and maintain both on- and offline relationships.From a clinical psychologist’s perspective, it may be plausible to speak specifically of ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ ( or more generally ‘SNS Addiction Disorder’) because addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in some people who use SNSs excessively. Social Networking Sites are virtual communities where users can create individual public profiles, interact with real-life friends, and meet other people based on shared interests.SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to: construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system†. The focus is placed on established networks, rather than on networking, which implies the construction of new networks. SNSs offer individuals the possibilities of networking and sharing media content, therefore embracing the main Web 2. attributes, against the framework of their respective structural characteristics. In terms of SNS history, the first social networking site (SixDegrees) was launched in 1997, based on the idea that everybody is linked with everybody else via six degrees of separation, and initially referred to as the â€Å"small world problem†. In 2004, the most successful current SNS, Facebook, was established as a closed virtual community for Harvard students. The site expanded very quickly and Facebook currently has more than 500 million users, of whom fifty percent log on to it every day.Furthermore, the overall time spent on Facebook increased by 56% from 2007 to 2008. This statistic alone indicates the exponential appeal of SNSs and also suggests a reason for a rise in potential SNS addiction. Hypothetically, the appeal of SNSs may be traced back to its reflection of today’s individualist culture. Unlike traditional virtual communities that emerged during the 1990s based on shar ed interests of their members, social networking sites are egocentric sites. It is the individual rather than the community that is the focus of attention. Egocentrism has been linked to Internet addiction.Supposedly, the egocentric construction of SNSs may facilitate the engagement in addictive behaviors and may thus serve as a factor that attracts people to using it in a potentially excessive way. This hypothesis is in line with the PACE Framework for the etiology of addiction specificity. Attraction is one of the four key components that may predispose individuals to becoming addicted to specific behaviors or substances rather than specific others. Accordingly, due to their egocentric construction, SNSs allow individuals to present themselves positively that may â€Å"raise their spirits†(i. . , enhance their mood state) because it is experienced as pleasurable. This may lead to positive experiences that can potentially cultivate and facilitate learning experiences that d rive the development of SNS addiction. A behavioral addiction such as SNS addiction may thus be seen from a biopsychosocial perspective . Just like substance-related addictions, SNS addiction incorporates the experience of the ‘classic’ addiction symptoms, namely mood modification (i. e. , engagement in SNSs leads to a favourable change in emotional states), salience (i. e. behavioral, cognitive, and emotional preoccupation with the SNS usage), tolerance (i. e. , ever increasing use of SNSs over time), withdrawal symptoms (i. e. , experiencing unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms when SNS use is restricted or stopped), conflict (i. e. , interpersonal and intrapsychic problems ensue because of SNS usage), and relapse (i. e. , addicts quickly revert back in their excessive SNS usage after an abstinence period). Moreover, scholars have suggested that a combination of biological, psychological and social factors contributes to the etiology of addictions, that may also hold true for SNS addiction.From this it follows that SNS addiction shares a common underlying etiological framework with other substance-related and behavioral addictions. However, due to the fact that the engagement in SNSs is different in terms of the actual expression of (Internet) addiction (i. e. , pathological use of social networking sites rather than other Internet applications), the phenomenon appears worthy of individual consideration, particularly when considering the potentially detrimental effects of both substance-related and behavioral addictions on individuals who experience a variety of negative consequences because of their addiction.Article 2 Title : Facebook Addiction Disorder – The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer : Amy Summers Source : www. socialtimes. com â€Å"Okay, I admit it. I am truly addicted to Facebook,†said teenage blogger Heidi Barry-Rodriquez in 2007. In 2009, teen Neeka Salmasi described the social networking giant as being â€Å"li ke an addiction†. This year, a casino site mentioned that â€Å"Facebook provides the atmosphere where it is tough to walk away†in a direct comparison to gambling addiction. A quick web search and it becomes appallingly evident that we have a problem.Text messaging is no longer the biggest teenage obsession, and long gone are the days where the biggest worries for parents were celebrity crushes, massive phone bills from ridiculously long phone calls and chocolate overloads. These teenage obsessions still exist, but in today’s day and age, and in comparison to the Facebook craze, they seem rather insignificant. Facebook is taking over the world, and that’s no exaggeration. Everyone from eager-to-fit-in teens to educated business people to intrigued grandparents has joined the phenomenon, and unsurprisingly many teenagers have also caught Facebook fever.And like with many of the latest attention-grabbing trends, some teenagers can go a little overboard when participating in them. Perhaps we join Facebook because everyone has an account and, as teenagers, the need to fit in is just too great, or perhaps there’s just a special something that has helped the social networking site attract so many million people. Teenagers have a tendency to become obsessive with the ‘in’ thing and Facebook, the trend of the decade, is no exception; the question is, have we overdone in? And is there really such thing as Facebook addiction?An American psychologist believes so. In fact, he’s even introduced a new term to describe such an addiction. FAD, or Facebook Addiction Disorder, is a condition that is defined by hours spent on Facebook, so much time in fact that the healthy balance of the individual’s life is affected. It has been said that approximately 350 million people are suffering from the disorder that is detected through a simple set of six-criteria. People who are victims of the condition must have at least 2- 3 of the following criteria during a 6-8 month time period. . Tolerance: This term is used to describe the desperate behavior of a Facebook addict. They spend an increasing amount of time on the site, coming to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction or on the other extreme, it is having a detrimental effect on them as a person and their life. For the family members and friends who think they are dealing with an addict, a sign to look out for are multiple Facebook windows open. Three or more confirms that they are indeed suffering from this condition. 2.Withdrawal symptoms: These become obvious when one is restricted from using Facebook because they have to participate in normal everyday activities. Common signs are anxiety, distress and the need to talk about Facebook and what might have been posted on their wall in their absence. 3. Reduction of normal social/recreational activities: Someone suffering from FAD will reduce the time spent catching up with friends, playing sport or whatever it is they used to enjoy doing, to simply spend time on Facebook. Instead of catching up with a friend for coffee, they will send a Facebook message.A dinner date will be substituted with a messenger chat. In extreme cases, the person will even stop answering their parent’s phone calls, instead insisting that they use Facebook to contact them. 4. Virtual dates: It is obvious that things are extreme when real dates are replaced with virtual dates. Instead of going to the movies or out to dinner, they tell their partner to be online at a certain time. 5. Fake friends: If 8 out of 10 people shown on their Facebook page are complete strangers, it is undeniable: they have a serious case of FAD. 6.Complete addiction: When they meet new people, they say their name, followed by â€Å"I’ll talk to you on Facebook†, or for those who are extremely bad, â€Å"I’ll see you in Facebook†. Their pets have Facebook pages, and any notifica tions, wall posts, inboxes or friend requests that they receive give them a high, one which can be compared to that gambling addicts get from the pokies or roulette table. So someone believes that addiction to the net is a real condition that needs to be treated just like any other addiction, with care and caution, but is an obsession with Facebook a real condition, or is FAD really just the latest fad?Either way, Facebook obsessions are definitely present in today’s society and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to fix it. Forget the fancy name and look at the facts. Many people, teenagers in particular, are spending too much time online. People’s lives are being affected because of the hours spent looking at profiles and pictures. Facebook, very beneficial in some ways, is having a detrimental effect on the everyday behaviors of people around the world. Having seen the affects of too much time online firsthand, I know this to be true.Nobody c an possibly disagree when the facts speak for themselves and when an individual’s online ‘life’ becomes more important than their real one; we know that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. But, what to do about it? How can we possibly fix a problem that has affected more than a third of the world’s population? That is a question I can’t answer, but I do know that our parents can play an important role, well, that is if the addicted is still young enough to be influenced by their parents. There are two kinds of parents in my area, both from different ends of the spectrum.On one side we have the Facebook haters; the parents who don’t have Facebook, don’t understand Facebook and never want to understand Facebook. On the other side, we have the Facebook lovers, those who act more like their teenage children than their parents. They’ve befriended their kids online, participate in their online conversations, comment on their photos and send messages from the lounge room to the bedroom instead of just walking up the hallway and keeping matters that should be kept private, well, private. Don’t believe me? I completely understand.It definitely sounds strange. But the truth is I actually know people like this and well I can only conclude one thing: that these parents, in an attempt to be their teen’s friend rather than their parent, have also been swept up in the Facebook craze and are now suffering from a similar sort of addiction. The apple really does never land far from the tree. REFERENCES 1. http://www. healthism. com/articles/facebook-addiction 2. http://deaddictioncentres. in/news/facebook-de-addiction-social-dysfunction/ 3. http://columbianewsservice. om/2011/02/the-facebook-relapse-trying-to-defriend-facebook/ 4. http://www. sakaaltimes. com/20120418/5754739842191348023. htm 5. http://socialtimes. com/facebook-addiction-disorder-the-6-symptoms-of-f-a-d_b60403 6. http://www. tomsguide. com/us/facebook-twitter-myspace,news-10312. html 7. http://www. netaddiction. com/index. php? option=com_blog&view= 8. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersâ€â€Text Revision, Fourth Edition; American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC, USA, 2000 9. Lenhart, A. Social Networking Facebook Addiction Disorder Article 1 Title : Online Social Networking and Addiction Writer(s) : Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source : www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph Social Networking Sites (SNS) or in this case Facebook has been causing serious addiction amongst individuals these days. This situation is no longer seen as an addiction but as a serious mental health issue. People these days spend majority of their time online by surfing Facebook in their virtual community. Psychologists describe this scenario as ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ (FAD).This disorder is seen as an addiction because the individual who is said to be addicted to Facebook actually confronts similar criteria as other addictive activities. One is said to be having FAD due to the increase in time spent on Facebook. Besides that, FAD also increases individualistic culture among its users. Moreover, egocentrism is another factor that contributes to this problem since it may induce addictive characteristics within the particu lar individual. This is mainly down to attraction which is the key factor to Facebook Addiction Disorder.Furthermore, like any other addiction, this issue has its symptoms as well. The author has addressed several symptoms that can be used to classify a person as a Facebook addict. Negligence of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behavior are among the symptoms that can be seen in a Facebook addict. These symptoms are detrimental to one’s mental health and well being because the person spends too much of time and energy in a virtual world.The effects of Facebook addiction or behavioral-related addiction and substance-related addiction is suggested to be the same as both have negative consequences on the addict as time goes by. (259 words) Article 2 Title : Facebook Addiction Disorder – The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer : Amy Summers Source : www. socialtimes. com This article touches on the issue of Facebook Addiction Disorder, amongst teenagers and its effect on their surroundings. This occurrence is the latest obsession and a virtual object of craze amongst teenagers.This is mainly due to Facebook being the current big thing everywhere that even family members of the teenagers till educated professionals are going mad over the social networking site. These teenagers tend to go overboard when they participate in this phenomenon as it is a trend that is considered uber- cool and they become obsessive about it. â€Å"Facebook Addiction Disorder†(FAD) is a condition which is defined by hours spent on Facebook by a person. The time spent is said to be affecting the balance of an individual’s life.There are six key symptoms mentioned by the author for this disorder. Firstly, a person with FAD will be spending so much time on the site which leads to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction. Besides, reducing normal social or recreational ac tivities, they will also plan virtual dates as instead of meeting their partner somewhere, they will ask their partner to be online at a certain time. Other than that, the friends list of an addict will mostly have strangers rather than the ones they know in real life.Finally, the sign of complete addiction is when they introduce themselves to someone and promise to see them on Facebook. Parents who try to help their children out of this problem, turn out to be more addicted than their teenage kids. (257 words) REFLECTION Facebook. Something that started off within the walls of Harvard University in 2004 has been ruling the world for the past half decade. Newborn babies to near death grannies and even animals these days have a profile on this social networking site. This site has been so major that these days the first word that type into the World Wide Web is Facebook. 45 million users in just 8 years is a quite a record for any social networking site in the world. It has been so h yped up that to have a Facebook profile has become a basic need for certain group of people. A tool that is supposed to be used prudently has been used extensively by some individuals so much so that they have become addicted to it. In fact, psychologists in the United States of America came up with the term ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ (FAD) back in 2009 as they predicted this syndrome will take the world faster than it took for the site to become global.Well, their prediction has become true. This condition is considered to a serious mental illness these days, even worse since it’s caused by addiction that could be compared to the likes of drugs and cigarettes. Who would’ve thought that a social networking site could spell so much trouble? Based on the two articles, the key point to this disorder is due to the amount of time spent on this site. People tend to spend too much time on this site than actually do something about their lives.Those days when a working man gets his off day, he would be either having a good sleep or spend some quality time with his family, but nowadays the working man would rather spend his off day by enduring a sleepless night just to spend his time on Facebook. This sounds totally ridiculous. In the context of students, they would be glad to chat with their friends online, upload pictures and update their status but they would not bother to even flip through their textbooks or homeworks given by the teacher. This proves that Facebook is affecting people regardless of age limit.The amount of time spent on Facebook shows the level of addiction of the person to the site. Thus, the hypothesis would be that, the more the time taken to use Facebook, the higher the addiction level. A person who is possessed with this global demon is also very dangerous as it may make you oblivious to your surroundings. Facebook addicts do not care about what’s happening around them. However, they would ‘likeâ€℠¢ a certain post about Earth Hour during the hour when all electric appliances should be shut down.This shows how a person can be an environmentalist in the virtual world, but a person with no social awareness in reality. This means that Facebook addicts have another problem, Multiple Personality Disorder because they have two avatars, each in two different worlds, Facebook and reality. This disorder also causes people to be very aggressive. They would be very sad if a friend did not respond to their request to be friends on Facebook. Some of them would even compete with each other to increase their list of friends.This situation could not be considered as something that tickles our funny bones, but it is something that should be thought rationally and seriously since the issue is getting worse day to day. What is the point of adding a thousand people into your profile and chat with them happily online, when you turn your back towards them in reality? Besides that, the majority of g roup that is most affected by this phenomenon are teenagers. Being born in this era of online madness is not a sin, but they are being led into fake world that is given a fancy name of globalization!They think that being on Facebook is the coolest thing to do as a teenager. What a misconception? Students these days do not prefer face to face interaction where as they prefer to virtual communication. Do not be surprised if in the future two people, who won’t even smile at each other, could be best friends on Facebook. If the number of Facebook addicts increase continuously, sooner or later we would be witnessing the growth of an unhealthy generation of youth with no social skills because all this while they never knew how to make friends, socialize or even take part in recreational activities.The major factor to this crisis is because their conceptualization of social life is Facebook. This so called social networking site also happens to social crime networking site lately. O n 18th April 2012, in Pune, India, a 16 year old girl was kidnapped by her Facebook friend whom she had known through the website. After kidnapping her, the accused initially demanded a ransom of Rs 100,000 from her mother. But later fearing police action, he got the girl admitted to a private hospital telling the hospital authorities that he found her ‘wandering' on the road after she was thrown out of a van by some people.What could have happened to the girl if the kidnapper was a psychopath? The consequence would have been unfathomable. This is what happens to certain Facebook addicts who reveal too much of details online. What is the worth of an individual who is deemed as a very private person in reality, where as in the virtual world they reveal everything to everyone? In the working world, those days’ workers were scolded by their employers for talking during their work time; nowadays they are sacked for using Facebook at work.In certain scenarios, the employees are sacked because they update their Facebook status at work, capture pictures while working and also to have the guts to upload it at work. Where is the discipline of the working world going? Why are they being so irresponsible? In a book titled ‘Facebook Addiction’, the author who is an addict himself says that once when he was trying to pack up his laptop, a client called and asked him to work on a website. The moment he opened the internet browser, the first thing he did was, type in â€Å"www. acebook. com†and logged in, he promised to himself to spend only five minutes, he couldn’t resist himself and spent eight hours on the website. On top of that, in terms of relationships, Facebook addicts do not have a proper life there either; there have been reported cases in America, of young married couples who file for divorce. In a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), researchers found that Facebook was mentioned in 1 out of every 5 divorces in the United States.Some of the cases were due to lack communication between couples because one of the partners was always busy updating his Facebook status rather than actually communicating with his wife. Before marriage, messaging through the site could be fun or romantic, however post marital relationship requires commitment and real communication. These cases have proved that Facebook Addiction Disorder has been the major cause of many serious problems from school to the confinements of our home. If this scenario continues, this disorder could get into the line along serious mental illnesses.We as educators will be facing great dilemmas as the students would be more passive socially in reality, to overcome it we have to teach them in a condition where there is no active interaction between teacher and a student. However, if we stand with our hands folded, one day we might see the portrait of our society in the obituary column in the newspapers. APPENDIX A rticle 1 Title : Online Social Networking and Addiction Writer(s) : Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source : www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph â€Å"I’m an addict.I just get lost in Facebook†replies a young mother when asked why she does not see herself able to help her daughter with her homework. Instead of supporting her child, she spends her time chatting and browsing the social networking site . This case, while extreme, is suggestive of a potential new mental health problem that emerges as Internet social networks proliferate. Newspaper stories have also reported similar cases, suggesting that the popular press was early to discern the potentially addictive qualities of social networking sites.Such media coverage has alleged that women are at greater risk than men for developing addictions to SNSs . The mass appeal of social networks on the Internet could potentially be a cause for concern, particularly when attending to the gradually increasing amounts of time p eople spend online . On the Internet, people engage in a variety of activities some of which may be potentially to be addictive. Rather than becoming addicted to the medium per se, some users may develop an addiction to specific activities they carry out online.Specifically, Young argues that there are five different types of internet addiction, namely computer addiction (i. e. , computer game addiction), information overload (i. e. , web surfing addiction), net compulsions (i. e. , online gambling or online shopping addiction), cybersexual addiction (i. e. , online pornography or online sex addiction), and cyber-relationship addiction (i. e. , an addiction to online relationships). SNS addiction appears to fall in the last category since the purpose and main motivation to use SNSs is to establish and maintain both on- and offline relationships.From a clinical psychologist’s perspective, it may be plausible to speak specifically of ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ ( or more generally ‘SNS Addiction Disorder’) because addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in some people who use SNSs excessively. Social Networking Sites are virtual communities where users can create individual public profiles, interact with real-life friends, and meet other people based on shared interests.SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to: construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system†. The focus is placed on established networks, rather than on networking, which implies the construction of new networks. SNSs offer individuals the possibilities of networking and sharing media content, therefore embracing the main Web 2. attributes, against the framework of their respective structural characteristics. In terms of SNS history, the first social networking site (SixDegrees) was launched in 1997, based on the idea that everybody is linked with everybody else via six degrees of separation, and initially referred to as the â€Å"small world problem†. In 2004, the most successful current SNS, Facebook, was established as a closed virtual community for Harvard students. The site expanded very quickly and Facebook currently has more than 500 million users, of whom fifty percent log on to it every day.Furthermore, the overall time spent on Facebook increased by 56% from 2007 to 2008. This statistic alone indicates the exponential appeal of SNSs and also suggests a reason for a rise in potential SNS addiction. Hypothetically, the appeal of SNSs may be traced back to its reflection of today’s individualist culture. Unlike traditional virtual communities that emerged during the 1990s based on shar ed interests of their members, social networking sites are egocentric sites. It is the individual rather than the community that is the focus of attention. Egocentrism has been linked to Internet addiction.Supposedly, the egocentric construction of SNSs may facilitate the engagement in addictive behaviors and may thus serve as a factor that attracts people to using it in a potentially excessive way. This hypothesis is in line with the PACE Framework for the etiology of addiction specificity. Attraction is one of the four key components that may predispose individuals to becoming addicted to specific behaviors or substances rather than specific others. Accordingly, due to their egocentric construction, SNSs allow individuals to present themselves positively that may â€Å"raise their spirits†(i. . , enhance their mood state) because it is experienced as pleasurable. This may lead to positive experiences that can potentially cultivate and facilitate learning experiences that d rive the development of SNS addiction. A behavioral addiction such as SNS addiction may thus be seen from a biopsychosocial perspective . Just like substance-related addictions, SNS addiction incorporates the experience of the ‘classic’ addiction symptoms, namely mood modification (i. e. , engagement in SNSs leads to a favourable change in emotional states), salience (i. e. behavioral, cognitive, and emotional preoccupation with the SNS usage), tolerance (i. e. , ever increasing use of SNSs over time), withdrawal symptoms (i. e. , experiencing unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms when SNS use is restricted or stopped), conflict (i. e. , interpersonal and intrapsychic problems ensue because of SNS usage), and relapse (i. e. , addicts quickly revert back in their excessive SNS usage after an abstinence period). Moreover, scholars have suggested that a combination of biological, psychological and social factors contributes to the etiology of addictions, that may also hold true for SNS addiction.From this it follows that SNS addiction shares a common underlying etiological framework with other substance-related and behavioral addictions. However, due to the fact that the engagement in SNSs is different in terms of the actual expression of (Internet) addiction (i. e. , pathological use of social networking sites rather than other Internet applications), the phenomenon appears worthy of individual consideration, particularly when considering the potentially detrimental effects of both substance-related and behavioral addictions on individuals who experience a variety of negative consequences because of their addiction.Article 2 Title : Facebook Addiction Disorder – The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer : Amy Summers Source : www. socialtimes. com â€Å"Okay, I admit it. I am truly addicted to Facebook,†said teenage blogger Heidi Barry-Rodriquez in 2007. In 2009, teen Neeka Salmasi described the social networking giant as being â€Å"li ke an addiction†. This year, a casino site mentioned that â€Å"Facebook provides the atmosphere where it is tough to walk away†in a direct comparison to gambling addiction. A quick web search and it becomes appallingly evident that we have a problem.Text messaging is no longer the biggest teenage obsession, and long gone are the days where the biggest worries for parents were celebrity crushes, massive phone bills from ridiculously long phone calls and chocolate overloads. These teenage obsessions still exist, but in today’s day and age, and in comparison to the Facebook craze, they seem rather insignificant. Facebook is taking over the world, and that’s no exaggeration. Everyone from eager-to-fit-in teens to educated business people to intrigued grandparents has joined the phenomenon, and unsurprisingly many teenagers have also caught Facebook fever.And like with many of the latest attention-grabbing trends, some teenagers can go a little overboard when participating in them. Perhaps we join Facebook because everyone has an account and, as teenagers, the need to fit in is just too great, or perhaps there’s just a special something that has helped the social networking site attract so many million people. Teenagers have a tendency to become obsessive with the ‘in’ thing and Facebook, the trend of the decade, is no exception; the question is, have we overdone in? And is there really such thing as Facebook addiction?An American psychologist believes so. In fact, he’s even introduced a new term to describe such an addiction. FAD, or Facebook Addiction Disorder, is a condition that is defined by hours spent on Facebook, so much time in fact that the healthy balance of the individual’s life is affected. It has been said that approximately 350 million people are suffering from the disorder that is detected through a simple set of six-criteria. People who are victims of the condition must have at least 2- 3 of the following criteria during a 6-8 month time period. . Tolerance: This term is used to describe the desperate behavior of a Facebook addict. They spend an increasing amount of time on the site, coming to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction or on the other extreme, it is having a detrimental effect on them as a person and their life. For the family members and friends who think they are dealing with an addict, a sign to look out for are multiple Facebook windows open. Three or more confirms that they are indeed suffering from this condition. 2.Withdrawal symptoms: These become obvious when one is restricted from using Facebook because they have to participate in normal everyday activities. Common signs are anxiety, distress and the need to talk about Facebook and what might have been posted on their wall in their absence. 3. Reduction of normal social/recreational activities: Someone suffering from FAD will reduce the time spent catching up with friends, playing sport or whatever it is they used to enjoy doing, to simply spend time on Facebook. Instead of catching up with a friend for coffee, they will send a Facebook message.A dinner date will be substituted with a messenger chat. In extreme cases, the person will even stop answering their parent’s phone calls, instead insisting that they use Facebook to contact them. 4. Virtual dates: It is obvious that things are extreme when real dates are replaced with virtual dates. Instead of going to the movies or out to dinner, they tell their partner to be online at a certain time. 5. Fake friends: If 8 out of 10 people shown on their Facebook page are complete strangers, it is undeniable: they have a serious case of FAD. 6.Complete addiction: When they meet new people, they say their name, followed by â€Å"I’ll talk to you on Facebook†, or for those who are extremely bad, â€Å"I’ll see you in Facebook†. Their pets have Facebook pages, and any notifica tions, wall posts, inboxes or friend requests that they receive give them a high, one which can be compared to that gambling addicts get from the pokies or roulette table. So someone believes that addiction to the net is a real condition that needs to be treated just like any other addiction, with care and caution, but is an obsession with Facebook a real condition, or is FAD really just the latest fad?Either way, Facebook obsessions are definitely present in today’s society and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to fix it. Forget the fancy name and look at the facts. Many people, teenagers in particular, are spending too much time online. People’s lives are being affected because of the hours spent looking at profiles and pictures. Facebook, very beneficial in some ways, is having a detrimental effect on the everyday behaviors of people around the world. Having seen the affects of too much time online firsthand, I know this to be true.Nobody c an possibly disagree when the facts speak for themselves and when an individual’s online ‘life’ becomes more important than their real one; we know that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. But, what to do about it? How can we possibly fix a problem that has affected more than a third of the world’s population? That is a question I can’t answer, but I do know that our parents can play an important role, well, that is if the addicted is still young enough to be influenced by their parents. There are two kinds of parents in my area, both from different ends of the spectrum.On one side we have the Facebook haters; the parents who don’t have Facebook, don’t understand Facebook and never want to understand Facebook. On the other side, we have the Facebook lovers, those who act more like their teenage children than their parents. They’ve befriended their kids online, participate in their online conversations, comment on their photos and send messages from the lounge room to the bedroom instead of just walking up the hallway and keeping matters that should be kept private, well, private. Don’t believe me? I completely understand.It definitely sounds strange. But the truth is I actually know people like this and well I can only conclude one thing: that these parents, in an attempt to be their teen’s friend rather than their parent, have also been swept up in the Facebook craze and are now suffering from a similar sort of addiction. The apple really does never land far from the tree. REFERENCES 1. http://www. healthism. com/articles/facebook-addiction 2. http://deaddictioncentres. in/news/facebook-de-addiction-social-dysfunction/ 3. http://columbianewsservice. om/2011/02/the-facebook-relapse-trying-to-defriend-facebook/ 4. http://www. sakaaltimes. com/20120418/5754739842191348023. htm 5. http://socialtimes. com/facebook-addiction-disorder-the-6-symptoms-of-f-a-d_b60403 6. http://www. tomsguide. com/us/facebook-twitter-myspace,news-10312. html 7. http://www. netaddiction. com/index. php? option=com_blog&view= 8. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersâ€â€Text Revision, Fourth Edition; American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC, USA, 2000 9. Lenhart, A. Social Networking
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